Forgotten carrara tutorials and videos

Some old cool carrara tutorials made by D-kaga, translated in english by google:
Download PACK 1 (159Mo) UPDATED:
Download PACK 2 (382Mo):
Download PACK 3 (350Mo):
EDIT: Update missing video tutorial for the digitialpainters indirect lighting tutorial from PACK1:
Post edited by Cellulo on
Thank you. Look great. I walked through the hair style tutorial. Translation seems clear.
I have all examples files and video files on my HD, i will upload them on my homepage in a zip file, because some files are no more available on D-Kaga homepage, like the hair tutorial video, the glass modeling video tutorial is still available. i have only a missed file is the "" video.
You mean there is more to come? Wow. Thank you so much.
Dkaga have not reactivated some download links in his new homepage and we can't have them with webarchive, but i have saved all carrara examples files when they are still available in the old homepage there is some years, today i have tested them and they work fine in Carrara 8.
Also in some D-kaga tutorials you have some thumbnail images with screenshot settings that we can't see because too little image, to fix the problem, you need to open the thumbail image in a new tab in your internet browser with right-click and in the adress bar , delete the character "_" before the numbers and press enter, this will give you the bigger version of the image, it's better to use the original homepage link for the screenshots images links not with the one translated in english with google.
Thank you for posting the link! They look great and clear to follow.
Soon I will host carrara files and video files in one zip file on my homepage because i have received the permission from the author to share the files. Thanks to D-Kaga.
I have see that Dkaga have fixed some files links on some video tutorials in his pages, now they can be downloaded but some examples files are still missing, but my pack of old carrara tutorials will be available soon with all files of dkaga ( all videos in mp4 format instead of mov format) and more tutorials that are no longer available on the web. I will bundled all together in one zipped file, i need to translate a cool french carrara tutorial in english before release the pack.
See the first post to download some tutorials (videos,files etc...) in one rar file.
The Litst's tutorials take me some time to translate in english and new layout in one page, at left side of the page it's french and right side it's in english also include all steps with carrara files, Litst's tutorials was for Carrara 1 and 2 but it's work in Carrara 8, but for the text tutorial i can't have the same render result than Carrara 2 in Carrara 8, see "" file about the lighting.
Also i have renamed my post in Forgotten Carrara tutorials instead of D-kaga tutorials.
Added some forgotten videos in one zipped file, see the first post to download.
Many thank-yous for chasing up those tutorials & vids.
I'm working on the pack 3, with some new old tutorials saved some years ago, they are about rigging a complete character tutorial with manipulators, 2 surface replicator tutorials, Make flame effect with particle tutorial, bouncing ball tutorial and more stuff ( videos, carrara example files, old daz tutorials etc...), i have include again litst's tutorials with some typos fixes and color page tweaked.
This pack will be available soon, when i finish the pages tutorials in french/english.
The Pack 3 is available in the first post.
Update : missing video tutorial for the digitialpainters indirect lighting tutorial from PACK1, see first post to download the file.
re: pack3 and the digital painters update/fixes:
your work is appreciated and archived!
ETA: could this be added to the archive at Carrara Cafe too?
Added link at CC under Tutorials and videos.