Weight maps don't mirror

While rigging a cape-like thing, I added split some bones and redid the weight maps on the left side. At a couple of points in the process, I used the symmetry feature that comes up in the weight mapping tool when you right click and Edit Weights (Daz is occupied doing a sim right now, so i can't look up the exact menu name). I selected whole figure, X axis, left to right, make bones is missing (or soemthing close to that)…and didn't get mirrored maps. My geometry is symetrical along the X-axis, and some of the bones get relfected properly. Is this because I used extra bones? Is there a way I can fix it? I'd hate to have the sides move different with the same settings, but I couldn't manually paint them identically.


  • Symmetry does require that the rigs match between left and right, so yes it is probably down to the extra bones.

  • Grrr…it just occured to m that I manually placed the ends of the new bones, so they probably don't align. Is there a way to ensure symetry while splitting existing or creating new bones?

  • I'm not sure, there's nothing immediately visible.

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