why do my loaded morphs do this

WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625

I often get this loading a morph I shaped from another object in any software and no idea why

the vertex order matches

that is the morph obj on the left and big cat 2 with it applied on the right, it was Adam Thwaitt's bulldog with the big cat shrink wrapped to it then smoothed

it even retains the UV mapping

the normals are all on the outside

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Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    edited February 2018

    this is personal use only and renders before some bright spark chips in about shrinkwrapping and the EULA

    and an example

    it happens randomly on many things others work fine

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    edited February 2018

    Zbrush and scupting AM's Raccoon with my own morphs not giving me much love either

    the eyes etc all in place but the body bizzarely transforms

    actually an obj works better

    but my sculpting sucks and so does my projection painting blush

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    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • th3Digit said:

    I often get this loading a morph I shaped from another object in any software and no idea why

    the vertex order matches

    that is the morph obj on the left and big cat 2 with it applied on the right, it was Adam Thwaitt's bulldog with the big cat shrink wrapped to it then smoothed

    it even retains the UV mapping

    the normals are all on the outside

    How are you sure the vertex order matches? It certainly doesn't look to be the case.

  • th3Digit said:

    I often get this loading a morph I shaped from another object in any software and no idea why

    the vertex order matches

    that is the morph obj on the left and big cat 2 with it applied on the right, it was Adam Thwaitt's bulldog with the big cat shrink wrapped to it then smoothed

    it even retains the UV mapping

    the normals are all on the outside

    How are you sure the vertex order matches? It certainly doesn't look to be the case.

    well morphloader accepts it and creates a messy morph

  • Syrus_DanteSyrus_Dante Posts: 983
    edited February 2018

    I cant tell exactly what the problem is, also I cant tell exaclty what you did, but could it be a scaling issue of the morph target obj? This could explain why at least some vertices tends to move to the floor.

    Maybe you try to sculpt on a figure shape that is actualy not the real base shape or it isn't in base possition/scale try to 'Zero' the figure pose/shape first - you could also try the "reverse deformation" in the Morphloader pro settings so you dont have to care that much about the real base shape.

    Test your obj file by importing it as a static object to DS and see what it looks like.

    Maybe it could be that the figure you try to create the morphs for isnt saved properly as a content file to the library yet - so DS dont realy know the base shape or the shrinkwrap shape/morph.

    You see I'm just guessing maybe other have better suggestions.

    Post edited by Syrus_Dante on
  • th3Digit said:
    th3Digit said:

    I often get this loading a morph I shaped from another object in any software and no idea why

    the vertex order matches

    that is the morph obj on the left and big cat 2 with it applied on the right, it was Adam Thwaitt's bulldog with the big cat shrink wrapped to it then smoothed

    it even retains the UV mapping

    the normals are all on the outside

    How are you sure the vertex order matches? It certainly doesn't look to be the case.

    well morphloader accepts it and creates a messy morph

    That means it has the same number of vertices, not that they are listed in the same order.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,625
    edited February 2018

     my first images seem to have vanished which makes this post very unclear 

    the latter ones were oddness using goZ as opposed to obj import from Zbrush

    the missing images were from the shrinkwrap modifier in Blender which sometimes works other times gets the results you cannot see in my first post.

    but hopefully here

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Check your options for import/export in Blender - there is one that offers Preserve Vertex Order or something else, I suspect you have the something else option on.

  • wolf359wolf359 Posts: 3,840
    edited February 2018

    Hi guys.

     This random "object trapped in a large,plastic rubbish bag"
    phenomenon, happens to me as well on occasion
    however with MDD& object files exported to Maxon Cinema4D

    An incorrect vertex count will simply cause my MDD importer
    to reject the MDD file with a detailed error message, example:
    INCORRECT VERTEX COUNT!!!!** object count-62745 
     MDD file-73492!!!! ''

    Sometimes it  randomly accepts my MDD files and loads the number of frames baked in the MDD animation and My target .obj in C4D will actually move during playback but is trapped inside the large, stretched to the ground " rubbish bag".

     On Two oocasions I thought I had tracked down the culprit.
    first it thought it was from animating the mesh in the 32 bit version of DS and exporting from the 64 bit..turned out to be a false positive.

    I then noticed it happening whenever I used one of the old first generation anibloks with feet pointing skyward and corrected them with the "high heel offset" option in animate2.
    But later it ..happened with an animated mesh where I did not 
    even use an aniblok.. another false positive

    I believe this to be a real bug, hidden deep and Ellusive.

    However I can not intentionally reproduce on demand for a proper bug report.
    when it does happen I simply make a random Change to the animated Figure such as different hair or shoes and this solves my problem with with a new .obj/MDD export to C4D so not a true show stopper, but still............




    Post edited by wolf359 on
  • yes as I said this was just an example

    iClone 3Dxchange does it too loading morphs

    and exported and reimported obj with a few vertices moved

    it happens in Carrara as well and I never can predict why as another file done the same way works fine

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