Make a modifier follow at 50%

I want the pJCMFlexCalf_L and pJCMFlexCalf_R modifiers of a Genesis 8 figure to only follow at 50%.

An example: When I bend the right foot to a value of 65 the pJCMFlexCalf_R modifier should then be at 50% instead of 100%. And when bent to 32.5 it should be at 25% instead of 50%.  And so on. :P

Is this possible? I know I could just adjust it manually every time, but that would just be too much work for my purpose.





  • You could edit the scalar in the Proeprty hierarchy for the link - if you right-click on the Parameters pane and put it in Edit mode you can then right-click on the morph slider and select Show in property hierarchy, then expand to show controllers>1st stage>the bend>Attributes, then adjust the Scalar value. save as a new Character Preset and use that to load the figure, or save as a scene/scene subset.

  • BinkzBinkz Posts: 42

    Thanks Richard, that works wonderfully!

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