Daz Studio update woes ...

Hello all. Hoping someone might have a bit of advice on an issue that's cropped up this morning.

I finally got around to updating my Daz Studio version to 4.10. Everything seemed to come across well enough ... the splash screen indicated that the Reality engine loaded ... all of my content appeared to be present and the scene I loaded did so with no issues. And that's about where the fun stopped.
When I attempted to start Reality to set my materials, I received the following error ...

Daz Error

Needless to say, Reality wouldn't load. In fact, after the initial error, attempting to load Reality again (because, surely it'll work if I click it again, right?) resulted in Daz Studio becoming non responsive.
I checked and double checked all the relevant file paths/permissions ... made sure there were no stoppages from my antivirus or firewall and restarted my machine again. The issue persisted ... and still persists. I'm assuming, at this point, that it's a compatibility issue and I'll need to update Reality.

So ... any suggestions?

Important info:
Daz Studio version: Pro (64 bit)
Reality version:
LuxRender version: 1.3.1


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    I'm not at home at the moment, but don't seem to recall having this problem (thought it does sound familiar - as if I had seen another report some time back). Is your Reality up-to-date?  If so I may be inclined to uninstall it and then re-install.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Just checked and I amn running Reality - I REALLY think you need to upgrade. The 'pinged memory' I had about that error is still hazy but I do think it was related to a much earlier version of Reality, which just may be what you have.

  • I am running an older version of Reality .... version 2.5.  I have the installers for version 4.3, but I've been reluctant to update, to be honest. I have several comic series in various states of progress, comprising ~200 scenes, that I really don't want to have to redo simply to maintain the continuity of the renders, if that makes sense.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    It does make sense, but I think you have hit an issue whereby the two different programs (Daz Studio and Reality) are looking for/using a shared library that has been updated via an update (with Daz Studio) and the version that Reality was created/comipled with is not aware of the update to the library so runs into trouble when asking for a function from it.  I don't think you should have an issue updating Reality - I'd take a copy of the install directories first, just in case.

  • Well, thank you Simon ... you were absolutely correct. Updating to Reality 4.3 solved the issue at hand. Unfortunately, at first glance, it also seems to have set my project development back a few months as it appears the majority of my saved scenes will need their Reality data completely reworked. Such is the price of progress, I suppose. Now, on to climbing the learning curve .. again. heh


  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Sorry to hear about the setback on the projects, but good to hear it's working.

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