

I just bought the Scene Optimizer ( and I saw that I need to go to the script, but I don't have any tab like that...

Also I found on a post that I need to somehow active that one... but I'm not sure how to do that? Could someone explain to me? How can I get the script working


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    I don't have that product but usually scripts are in the top level of your DAZ Content Library in s directory called scripts in another directory usually named after the PA Vendor, in this case V3Digitimes.

    Then when you locate the script you want to create a menu item for, do as Richard Haseltine says in that thread you linked too.

  • If you installed via DIM it will be in the Content Library pane under

    Daz Studio Formats>My Daz 3d library>Scripts>V3Digitimes Scene Optimizer

    (where My Daz 3d Library should be repalced with the name of the content directory tou installed to).

    Regardless of how you isntalled, it will be in a category list under


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