
I just bought the Scene Optimizer ( and I saw that I need to go to the script, but I don't have any tab like that...
Also I found on a post that I need to somehow active that one... but I'm not sure how to do that? Could someone explain to me? How can I get the script working
I don't have that product but usually scripts are in the top level of your DAZ Content Library in s directory called scripts in another directory usually named after the PA Vendor, in this case V3Digitimes.
Then when you locate the script you want to create a menu item for, do as Richard Haseltine says in that thread you linked too.
If you installed via DIM it will be in the Content Library pane under
Daz Studio Formats>My Daz 3d library>Scripts>V3Digitimes Scene Optimizer
(where My Daz 3d Library should be repalced with the name of the content directory tou installed to).
Regardless of how you isntalled, it will be in a category list under