I finally pinpointed the problem I have with the software camera movement

Here is the problem - when your zoomed in close, everything works great.
Mouse wheel zooms in and out at a reasonable speed <<<Based on the distance the camera is to the selected object>>> <---- that is the key
Pan works great when your close to the selected object as well.
As you zoom farther away from the selected object, the design error becomes clear. The pan speed and zoom speed DOES NOT adjust for the increased distance
from the selected object. The farther away you get, the harder it is to pan and zoom....it gets really slow. The software thinks you still making small
close up adjustments...your not.
What needs to change is that the pan distance (real distance) and zoom distance (zoom speed) needs to geometrically increase the farther you are from the
selected object so that from the creators visual perspective zoom and pan moves in useful incriments based on how far the camera is from the selected object.
In a nut shell -
If your close to the selected object, move the camera a little
If your far from the selected object, move the camera a lot.
Fix this and you will speed up my work process.