DAZ3D V 4.10 Pro GoZ suddenly stopped working?

I opened a support ticket already. I tried searching for a solution but have yet to find one. I see a few others have run into the same problem.
I am an avid user of DAZ3D and ZBrush to mostly work on fixing clothing, adding morphs. I had recently upgraded from ZBrush 4R7 to 4R8. Suddenly the GoZ plugin / bridge has stopped working? It was fine for a while since the upgrade. I have tried everything. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling DAZ, GOZ and ZBrush. I cleared the cache both in DAZ and ZBrush then I realigned the path in ZBrush to DAZ GOZ.
When I send to ZBrush using GOZ I get an error saying it cannot send to ZBrush please check installation. Everything is aligned and mapped correctly in both applications. I am at a loss here.
ZBrush Version 4R8
DAZ3D 4.10.0123 Pro Version
Windows 10 64 bit
Anyone else have this problem?
I don't have 4R8 but I do have problems with DS4.10 and GoZ not communicating properly with 4R7 from time to time. I have had various responses from the DAZ Help desk, including suggesting that it must be a problem with Zbrush itself and so they are not responsible (or interested). Usually, repeated uninstalling of GoZ and reinstalling it from a fresh download works eventually (both via DIM).
Hi, I have ZB 4R8 P2 and Daz and have never had any problems with the plug-in.
You might try downloading the latest plugin here : https://www.daz3d.com/goz-for-daz-studio as I did download it after the install and manually installed it
( it also gets installed automatically with Daz ) Wish I could be of more help. I use the ZBrush - Daz workflow almost daily.
I have yet to hear from DAZ3D support. Really pissed off about that. I opened a ticket days ago. I tried uninstalling all versions of both DAZ and ZBrush. I even tried deleting the folders inside the public/pixilogic folder where GoZ project files cache is. I don't know what to do.
It's strange, because I've not had that problem.
If you are still haveing problems maybe this thread will also help