Second graphic card for Daz Studio

IllidanstormIllidanstorm Posts: 655


currently I have a MSI 1080 but when I render stuff my PC becomes very laggy using only the GPU, not the CPU. I'v read somewhere that it is wise to have a second one just for the monitors. Would this help my problem if I get a relatively cheap one just for my 3 monitors?

Post edited by Chohole on


  • rames44rames44 Posts: 332

    Yes, having your display connected to a video card that is NOT being used for rendering will improve your video performance while rendering. It won’t be perfect - Daz still puts a bit of a load on the rest of your system while rendering, but at least your screens won’t be contending with Daz for the GPU.

  • I will second that. I have a GTX980 and GTX780. The 980 runs the monitors so if I want to do something wile rendering, I set the iray render settings to only use the 780. Note that this only works with iray as 3dlite uses the cpu. Also, if you have two GPU's and turn on Optix Prime Acceleration your render time go's way down. This faster render time is so nice that you will soon reallise that rendering with just one GPU is rediculus and will find a second computer to do all the other things wile you render. I have included two screen shops, one shows the fast settings and the other for using just one GPU.

    Full Throttle.PNG
    495 x 926 - 21K
    Multy task.PNG
    496 x 926 - 19K
  • Eva1Eva1 Posts: 1,249

    This sounds like a good idea. How would I tell my PC which one to use for the monitor? (Any tips/links would be great).

  • Whichever one is in Slot 0 on your motherboard is dedicated to primary display, so that one gets the video cable. There are ways to set it in Device Manager I think, but it's just easier to go ahead and put the primary (video output) card in Slot 0, which is usually the one closest physically to the CPU.


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