Skydome and lighting issue

I tried a lot but still I didn't manage to solve this problem I got. The other times I simply delete the dome and go one with different lightings, but I want to know why the domes doesn't work for me, for sure there's an answer somewhere but I still didn't manage to find it. Here's what I'm working on:
in this set I'm using a character and this enviroment set: that has also the lighting setting. So I placed my character, activate the Iray preview and this is the result:
you can see in the option on the right "dome and scene", if I do "scene only it's even worse since it goes all black.
these two images got a different lighting from this preview here: and I didn't anything, only loaded the set and the character. How can I get the same lights as the preview image of the "stone borders" set?
And also the "Sunlight" light is INSIDE the dome, so it shouldn't have problem, instead it doesn't show up.
It's obvious that's the problem is the "dome" item you can see in the list in the first image, named "MRLN_MOSkydomeD", because if I delete it or turn it off, the result is this one:
and it could be nice, but there isn't the skydome with clouds and I would like to have it since it's included in the enviroment set!
I also tried the "scene only" mode without the skydome, and all item went black:
and this is another mistery to me, since it seems that there are some lights in the scene...
Thanks a lot and sorry if someone else did the same question but I still didn't found an answer!
A Skydome loaded with some environments wont work with Iray without a bit of work as it blocks the light. You can use the Skydome image in the Iray Dome which will give some lighting and also a background.