DAZ3D 4.10 / Decimator Problem

vutraatvutraat Posts: 4

I can't input my SN and I am getting the error that I need a newer of version of DAZ. Thoughts?

720 x 787 - 104K
Post edited by vutraat on


  • Which version of daz Studio - Help>About Daz Studio. Which version of the plug-in?

  • Hey there. 

    DAZ Studio Pro Edition (64-Bit)

    Decimator for Daz Studio 10.0+ (64-Bit)

    But it shows this, which I hope it is not detecting 4.5 instead of 4.10. Thoughts?

    519 x 547 - 9K
  • Reinstalled DAZ - works fine now. Go figure.  :P

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