Edward 8 Compatibility with G3

​Edward 8 so far has not yet to me proved compatible with previous Genesis generations clothes with using Autofit. The Autofit for Edward doesn't have shirt or pant options, so I used 'full body' for each garment. The jacket is a G2 product, the pants are a G3 product. I used a Genesis 8 pose with Edward 8. Pretty much across the G1, G2 and G3 products, most fit in the zero pose, but when I apply a pose to Edward 8, the clothing items warp away from the Edward figure most bizarrely. It is most noticeable with long sleeves and long pants. Simple question: Why?

I patiently struggled with the Youtube tut, which is slightly different thant the online pdf offered by Sickleyield's suggested technique, but the same problem arises with long sleeves and pants. They fit in zero, warp in poses. From the advertisement, I should not have to use an external method and script at all. It should just work.  I am eager to use a handsome mature G8, and I looked forward to using at least some of my earlier content. 


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  • Edward 8 is just a shape for Genesis 8 Male, so it shouldn't be any harder or easier to AutoFit for than any other.

  • Llook at this advertisement in the product description for Edward 8

    Key advancements with the Genesis 8-based Edward 8 include: [this statement led me to believe some kind of improvement in Autofitting was now available with Edward 8]

    Backward Compatibility (Read More)

    The most backward compatibility ever, through included clones for Genesis, Genesis 2, & Genesis 3.

    Ultimate Content Compatibility (Read More)

    Includes clones for Genesis, Genesis 2, and Genesis 3 content even between male and female figures.

    ​​Seems to me to be a very emphatic description especially about Edward 8


  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581

    That text has been used with every figure released with genesis 8, those advancements are with the base figure not Edward. Exactly what outfits are you having issues with?


  • IceScribeIceScribe Posts: 694
    edited February 2018

    Oh, well. I didn't go for the younger looking characters, so didn't notice the blurb applied to Genesis 8 overall, which kind of makes it worse for me. Of my limited catalog, none of the G3, G2 or G1 outfits work, even if I adjusted the zero pose of G8 to Tee at 45/-45 shoulder bends, and 6/-6 for thighs side to side. I've tried just autofit, parent only, and so forth. If I am lucky enough to get the item to fit (and I use the fit to), strange things happen when I pose the G8 figure. As a note, I prefer long sleeves, and every day wear, but tank tops and shorts will work better. The limbs seem to be the problem.

    Attached a third example after I exhaustively followed both versions of the popular SY "fix" tutorial, and got the sweater to fit in the zero pose--however any pose (specifically for Genesis 8  I assign to the figure Genesis 8 figure warps into odd things.

    I used recent G3 figuring they would be most compatible: 1st image M601 Vneck for Genesis 2 Male(s), next- Traveler for Genesis 3 Males, and then Everyday Casual Outfit for Genesis 3 Males (long sleeved sweater). Pose was Together Brotherhood Pose for Genesis 8 Male(s). Examples shown after "Autofit" applied to zero pose, or or Tee pose dialed in, or in case of 3rd, after tutorial "fitted" sweater, but pose warped.

    I even tried a g3 female gown Belle, and oddly it was closer, but not after posing. Other generation poses have other odd things.

    Similar misfit upon loading other generations, G2 and G1 to G8, and worse if I use the tutorial and get the darn things to "fit" but they go bizarrely after posing G8.

    Is there some step I'm missing ?

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  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581

    I'm a few hours from getting in front of my computer, but i think i have those outfits to look at. But when you run the pose, do you have the figure selected, not the outfit?

  • I select the figure to pose, in the scene tab and the posing tab.


  • The Genesis 8 figures have an A pose (arms down at 45 degrees) instead of a T pose (arms straight out), so a conversion that doesn't chnage the shape of the clothing won't get you anywhere. Have you used AutoFit, and made sure you set the source figure correctly?

  • ​@Richard Haseltine

    yes, I have loaded the clothes on to the selected character G8. The Autofit menu comes up, I choose G3 for the version of the garment, and decided not use "full body". The pants loaded onto the A form but after Autofit, move inside the legs. 

  • So, I've experiemented most of the day. If I use a couple of my G3 products on Genesis 8, I can get them to fit, and not break away in a pose if I​

    1. Do not have Genesis 8 selected when I load at zero pose. No Autofit menu appears.

    2. I select the G3 garment in the Scene panel and go to Scene tiny menu to select Edit/Scene Identification. Scroll to select Genesis Male at the lowest box/ellipsis. Accept

    3. I go to the G3 garment in Scene panel and right click "Fit to", and select Genesis 8. 

    This seems to work on Genesis 3 male stuff that I have. Poses do not warp away the garments from the body.

    However, Genesis one is very weird. And G2 so far has not worked with this.

    The Autofit does not work at load correctly upon selected Genesis 8 figure with any generation.

  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581
    edited February 2018

    I tried the outfit G8M with Edward morph on and I'm able to get the clothing to fit. The only way that I've gotten the clothes to behave the way you have them in the picture if you have the clothing selected, then select the pose.  Since this is a genesis 2 oufit, i select genesis 2 then "Full Body" 


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  • IceScribeIceScribe Posts: 694
    edited February 2018

    ​Autofit is not working for me. See attached. I use the usual way, Load Gen 8, then find G3 pants . Load them to selected Gen 8. Autofit menu pops up. I select G3 for original pants, and Full body for type.

    Results same as I reported. 

    The posing is the next problem. Now, if I had applied the pose mistakenly to the pants instead of Edward, this is the result, so no, I don't do that because it is so obviously an error.


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  • IceScribeIceScribe Posts: 694
    edited February 2018

    I'm feeling a bit discouraged. In other experiences with mysterious computer glitches, it usually turns out someone will say "Oh! You need to do [never mentioned-before step]. So I'm wondering if that's why I can't seem to get this to work smoothly. My very first computer lesson had a typo in it on the first page of BASIC. A comma instead of a dot, which comma I had dutifully entered as the lesson instructed. My tutor looked over my shoulder and said, "hey, that's not a comma, it's supposed to be a dot" in MS/DOS. I  I've never forgotten that! Not claiming programming expertise, just aware there are somethings experienced users take for granted when actually not mentioned or described, especially when it can be a very simple fix. At least, that's what I'm hoping.

    BTW, I started doing DAZ when DAZ 3 came with the 'new' V3 models. I am usually able to use some of those V3 garments and of course V4 and M4 on G1 when the marvelous 'autofit' became available. Now, it works only on pre G8, apparently. 

    Post edited by IceScribe on
  • Male-M3diaMale-M3dia Posts: 3,581

    Yeah, something is wrong with your install or what you've installed, I have no problem autofitting civilized man either.

  • Well thank you both for trying to help. I'm not prepared to re-install my DAZ program, and I have used the Daz Install Manager for all my products without issue so far. 

  • Serene NightSerene Night Posts: 17,680
    edited February 2018

    Redz suggested something interesting you might try. You can set the scene idenification of your character to an early generation, then fit as normal. I tested this out from Gen 8 to gen 3 clothing and everythihng fit fine except for the weapon which was at t-pose. You may give that a shot Of course you will have to change him/her back if you want to re-use gen 8 clothing.

    Post edited by Serene Night on
  • IceScribe said:

    Well thank you both for trying to help. I'm not prepared to re-install my DAZ program, and I have used the Daz Install Manager for all my products without issue so far. 

    You should not reinstall everything just for this. Only reinstall G8M to check if that helps. It sounds like your autofit clones may be broken.

  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    Redz suggested something interesting you might try. You can set the scene idenification of your character to an early generation, then fit as normal. I tested this out from Gen 8 to gen 3 clothing and everythihng fit fine except for the weapon which was at t-pose. You may give that a shot Of course you will have to change him/her back if you want to re-use gen 8 clothing.

    Just to clarify, this method will only work for G3 to G8 and vice versa, because their geometry is very similar. For older generations you’ll still need to use the auto-fit dialogue. 

  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459
    IceScribe said:

    Well thank you both for trying to help. I'm not prepared to re-install my DAZ program, and I have used the Daz Install Manager for all my products without issue so far. 

    You should not reinstall everything just for this. Only reinstall G8M to check if that helps. It sounds like your autofit clones may be broken.

    Yes I think something is wrong with your install. I can autofit and pose the Traveller and M601 outfits without issue. Search Install Manager of Genesis 8 Male Starter essentials - uninstall and then reinstall, and see if it’s fixed. 

  • RedzRedz Posts: 1,459

    Another consideration, what version of Daz Studio are you using? I have an older version (4.8) and if I try to use G8M in it, I get the autofit issues you are seeing. 

  • Redz said:

    Another consideration, what version of Daz Studio are you using? I have an older version (4.8) and if I try to use G8M in it, I get the autofit issues you are seeing. 

    Right, the older versions of AutoFit don't take account of the pose in the clone, just the shape. I had forgotten that but it does seem a likely explanation.

    You can check your DS version in Help>About Daz Studio.

  • IceScribeIceScribe Posts: 694
    edited February 2018

    Wow! Simple answer---My full DAZ Studio version is I think posters have hit upon the core problem, incompatiblity with something in Genesis 8 which requires something in the later version of  DAZ Studio version. A warning pops up when I load Genesis 8 figures and eyelashes, but it seemed to work, except the fitting. It said I needed version or later but I didn't see that available. And, I didn't try hard to look for it, as I assumed it could be about animation or such, which I don't work in, and initially, I had just tried a few garments on. It was the posing issue that tripped up my assumption.

    I did use the Scene Identification tip, but, it does not work for all the G3 male garments, because of the posing issue. 

    Thank you so much, everyone for posting your suggestions. 



    Post edited by IceScribe on
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