DM's FIT 'n SEXY outfit (top) not fitting right. Any Ideas?

The DM's FIT 'n SEXY outfit top is not fitting correctly. It is hanging to far down on the bottom of each breast. I have moved the sliders to try and correct it with no luck. I am not sure what I am doing wrong or need to do so the shirt fits correctly. I have attached a screen shot of the shirt with all the sliders set to default. 'Collision Item' and 'Fit To' are both set to the character. Any help would be appreciated.
Link to item:

shirt not fitting.jpg
865 x 786 - 328K
Post edited by blackRabbit on
After comparing the sliders I have with the ones that are supposed to come with the outfit, I find I am missing some. Here are the sliders I have for the shirt. I am not understanding why I am missing some and would appreciate some help.
Morphs that are on the base figure too will be hidden - the expectation is that you will want them to match the setting on the base, not to set them directly. What you are seeing are the adjustment morphs.
The top looks about as I would expect, given that you appear to have pumped up her breasts - did you use one of the supported shapes to do that, or soem other morph? You could try applying a dForce modifier to the top and see if that helps when you click the Simulate button in the Simulation Settings pane (the risk being that the clothing might explode, though clearing the simulation would fix that).
Thanks for the suggestion. the top is fine but the bottom of the shirt on each breast seems to hang down to far. I did use a supported shape. I am not sure why I would be missing some of the sliders (adjustment morphs) that are suppose to come with the shirt according to the info for it on the Daz store. I suspect if I had those adjustments I could get it to fit without a problem.
Looking at the promos, I think that's the way the shirt is supposed to fit. It's a loose crop top. If you look at the fit on your model, you will see that it approximates a natural hang from the breasts. You may be able to use Fit Control or similar to smooth the drape a bit.
See examples with Arabella 7 (left) and Lilith 7 (right). First image is as fit. Second has fit control applied to Lilith's top. Third shot is the available morphs for the top as installed.
Thank you for your assistance. It was very helpful.
No problem, HTH.