Charlotte skin map and female character context weirdness

I'm not sure if these 2 things are related, but in case they are, I'll group them into one issue.
Whenever I choose a female character and click the "context" box in "Actors, Wardrobes, Props", it only shows me menus for "Animations", "Poses", and "Utilities". And even when I go into "Poses" it's just one lone prop pose from a dragon bundle. When I do it with a male figure, it works fine and I can see options for his wardrobe, poses, hair, etc. This only started happening recently, though I don't use female figures enough to really pinpoint when. It's kind of a huge pain :(
Now, I got this Charlotte 8 figure. Since my 'context' checkbox isn't working corectly, I had to filter out materials using the search box. This gave me her maps. I chose "Transparency Low" (Iray) and one of the makeup presets (Makeup 04). This is what happens:
Any idea what's going on?

Okay, so when I select her head and apply the low transparency mat to it, it takes for everything, body and face. So at least that's solved, lol. I didn't realize you had to do that, whoops!
Still unsure why my context isn't working for certain female figures. It seems to only do it with G8 females, even the stock G8F. Works on my G3F's, but none of my G8F's :(
Yes, settings tweaks like translucency generally need to be applied after texture options, such as make up - unless the make up is a Layered Image preset, in which case the order probably doesn't matter.
The Smart Content issue does look as if some metadata is missing or corrupt - how did you install, Connect, DIM, or manually?
I use DIM exclusively. I did recently delete some items I've returned and DIM didn't seem to like it. It went a bit wonky and then all of my items disappeared, but restarting DIM brought them all back, so not sure if that has anything to do with it. I didn't mess with any female characters, though. Just an HDRI pack and a few male characters.
I did recently buy a bunch of dragon stuff, and I find sometimes when I'm applying a certain dragon figure (in the case of the screenshot below, specifically IG Iray Essentials - Dragon 3), I get an error about a V6 mouth missing??? Which I thought was really strange, since it's a dragon, but also since I actually do have V6 and she works fine.
This alert comes up twice each time I choose one of the dragons. If I skip and ignore the alert, the dragon seems to be fine.
Not sure what I should do. Maybe uninstall and reinstall all my females?
I think that's probably just a rogue refrence in the file, not an indication of a real issue. You could open a Technical Support ticket to report it, but if I'm right it isn't going to hurt anything 9and you could always resave it as a new materials preset).