Wacky Modelling ~ In Carrara ~

I have given myself a challenge and you can join in as well if you like.. especially if you want to practice your modeling in Carrara..
I hope to get as many of these Wacky Races vehicles modeled as I can....
I've already started on one of them and if you want to join in and post your progress please do.. if not just follow along with the Wacky Posts
What started me off was I modeled Dick Dastardly's plane... though not a wacky race model this is what got me thinking to do the set of Wacky Race vehicles.
A good exercise in modeling and not really all that hard..... I hope
Let's get this thread a started ...
With some links that maybe useful to find amongst the pages

Dastardly Plane Exploded Drawing.jpg
800 x 600 - 98K

Dastardly Plane Drawing.jpg
800 x 600 - 73K

Dick Dastardly.jpg
900 x 675 - 314K
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The first one I started is the Chuggabug..
Lazy Luke is a hillbilly who is half-asleep during most of the races. He drives the Arkansas Chuggabug while seated on a rocking chair and with his feet perched on the steering wheel. A large but nervous bear named Blubber is his sidekick; Blubber is clad in a scarf and early aviator's helmet with goggles.
The Chuggabug is constructed of wood and is powered by a coal-fired pot-bellied stove in the rear of the vehicle.
Amazing. Stezza, it is not just the quality of your modeling which is amazing, you also churn new things out at a startling pace. Not as fast as Veronika, but everyone should have something to aspire to.
At one point, I remember starting projects for the Ant Hil Mob and for Penelope Pitstop. It was several years ago so I would not be surprised if the WIPs did not survive various storage migrations. However, a little fun trivia. There is an internet image showing Penelope's car with an option for vibrator on the dashboard. The episode was "Speeding for Smogland.'' Problem is, these days it might just have been Photoshopped in. Can't believe anything.
Awesome work as always Stezza !!!!
The original is definately more tame than the photoshop version:-
The Vibrator setting replaced the Lipstick setting in the "Speeding for Smogland" episode. When activated, a vibration belt came out of the dashboard to keep Miss. Pitstop slim and trim. (Vibrating belt machines use to be all the rage way-back-when.)
Ah-ha, so that explains it !!!!
Very impressive, espcially for us non-modellers. I happen to be taking a continuing ed course on Pixar's movies, and got out my copy of "The Art Of Pixar Short Films". You can see some excerpts here in the "Look Inside" feature:
The amount of art, story and other development that goes into Pixar animations is staggering. "Finding Nemo" was in production for 3.5 years. (I've read that most Hollywood movies take under a year, including post production.) The most impressive to me are the clay modellers, who seem to be able to model a (real) clay figure as fast as artists can sketch. To quote Butch Cassidy, "I couldn't do that. Could you do that? How can they do that?"
Thanks @diomede , @Steve_K and @bunyip02
It's fun to do and a lot is made up of basic shapes.. so great for learners to tackle.
Good vibes lol
Today I tackled the Army Surplus Special....
The Army Surplus Special, otherwise known as the Surplus Six, made use of its tank facilities while racing, including its cannon, which could spin around to face forward or back.
Today I tackled The Boulder Mobile, driven by The Slag Brothers (Rock Slag and Gravel Slag) - cavemen that are covered with hair!
This one is harder than it looks .. trying to push the mesh into a boulder type shape that kinda resembles the boulder mobile was tricky... dunno if it does look like it or not...
Checked out Ron's NEW! spray paint brushes on the Boulder Mobile... using PSE2018 no probs apart from the usual brush size restriction of 2500px
wonderfully terrifically amazing!! :)
Thanks Headwax
My next attempt is the Creepy Coupe
as with all these models I just start off with a simple cube shape and go from there
it's all very inspiring!! The Master of Extrusion :)
Sorry I havent been round much,
I've still got that show on, and I've been organising my wife's business
plus all her online stuff
and just found out I have 'lost' my job at the place where I have worked since 1983....
so running round trying to get employed
luckily one door shuts and another opens
Ha, happiness is fleeting ;)
Bugger..... another chapter to start
I think I've finished the Creepy Coupe this was challenging to model with some of the details .... like the bats and dragon tail!
The Creepy Coupe driven by The Gruesome Twosome - monsters driving a car with a belfry; the belfry housed a dragon and various ghosts and ghouls. The Creepy Coupe was able to fly short distances through use of the dragon's wings.
ooops... missed the radiator cap and the axles lol
a PR render...
Are we going to see some races? These models are amazing. And I can't get over how fast you are turning them out.

Looking great Stezza. Watching you churn these out is making me take an interest in Silo/Hexagon/Carrara modelling again !!!!
@diomede who knows what will happen but as I don't do animation it won't be from me lol
@Bunyip02 hope to see some Wacky vehicles from you maybe...
I'm currently working on the next one which is a bit tricky.. took a few restarts to get it going to my liking.. it was looking really wacky!
I think this one is done... but never know, probably missed something lol
The Convert-a-Car, driven by Professor Pat Pending - a mad scientist in a car that could change into just about anything that moves.
Hmmmm, or should I say Vrrrmmm
I think I found my Wacky vehicles project:-
Looking great !!!!
thumbs up you two :)
sideracked from the vehicles modeling lol
kewl stuff!
remember speed buggy
Women are always claim that I'm a master in extrusion, and a angel in intrusion but you're the best Stezza!
brilliant work stezza :)
one of my favourite cartoons, .
I don't remember Speed buggy ,. It looks very scooby !
kinda remember it.. it was one of the less popular I think... The Archies were the most popular along with Scooby Doo
but I hope you give it a go Misty .. modeling that wacky machine
@dudu and @3dage
thanks for the compliments... though it's not that great but appreciate your comments... and good practice to work on them..
@bunyip02 hope to see your wacky vehicle as well... looks like a great challenge to model that one
next model I've done and probably the easiest so far.. though tricky 'The Turbo Terrific'
The Turbo Terrific, driven by Peter Perfect - an All-American Jock (he had a crush on Penelope, so often stopped to help) driving a drag racer that regularly fell to bits.
Started modelling (project for this week) in Silo, been a while so had to go back over the tutorials again.
Progress on the body.