Rigging Clothing Issue

I made bodysuit and fitted it with Transfer Utility. (Top part of suit and Genesis's Pelvis are hidden for better view)

But I have a problem with rigging in the crotch area. The pictures shows the problem area after fixing weight maps. That's the best I could do.

Moreover, when I cleared all weight maps the problem is staying.

I don't know what else could affect suit geometry.

I'll be very appreciated for any help

1680 x 1017 - 238K
1680 x 1017 - 258K
1680 x 1017 - 294K


  • Hi, I have been learning on rigging my own outfits to characters and I found that following this youtube video really helped me out.

    If you are intrested check it out. :)


  • Acharyapolina, thank you very much.

    I will check  the video, hope it will help me too)

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