Daz Crashing

Could someone help please. When I start a Render, just one single figure and I have need to cancel the render all is ok, but if I do this twice Daz crashes and I have to start again - I have learned to save as scene and pose as I go alng and before I render but why any helps will be much apreciated
Let me see if I understood, if start and cancel a render 2 times in a row your daz crashes?
are you using Iray or 3DL?
Doesn't happen with mine ( I've canceled renders up to 10 times when adjusting lighting, poses, etc. All Iray.
Just tried that and no crashes on, what sometimes I get is the render not cancelling fully, so I cant start another one if I cancel the render before it starts do drawn (not sure if I made it clear, excuse my bad english)
Does it throw the error “Daz Studio not responding?” What type of crash do you get? Do you get a error message or does it quit to desktop?
I think that if you cancel it before it shows an image, it keeps running until it can show an image, then cancels.
If you cancel while showing the grey checkerboard, wait, and eventually it will stop.