Cancelling and Resuming a Render After a Change

Let's say that I have a render that has been going on for several hours to a day now. It is rendering in a separate window, and as it's progressing, I notice a mistake in the picture.

If I were to cancel the render (and leave the window open), go into DAZ and correct the issue, and then resume the render, would that correction be immediately reflected in the render that had been going on? Would it cause some weird "ghost" image that combines both the error and corrected alterations? Or would it completely start over from the beginning of the rendering process?


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    I believe it would resume rendering exactly as it was, without your change. You would have to cancel the render and start the render over to incorporate your change. If it is a small change that won't affect the whole image, let the first render finish and then do a spot render to a new window (look in Tool Settings with the Render tool selected). Then you can use Photoshop or the Gimp, etc.,  to patch the first image with your spot render.

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