Could Not Find a Valid Open CL Device

On my laptop which used to render fine with DForce simulations, now anytime I try to run a simulaiton I get this error.
"Could Not Find a Valid Open CL Device"
Can anyone suggest a possible solution to this issue?
If you search this ( these ) forums for your problem I suspect you will find at least 5 post's regarding this particular problem - and I think it has been answered at least 2 or 3 times.
See the prerequisites section here
Thanks for the quick response folks. It's unexpect and appreciated as well.
I have this error with the NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970M. I'll focus on the driver version and see if that helps.
Fortunately, I do have at least one machine where it's all working swell so it's a less pressing matter but I'm going to see if there's an option for drive upgrade or downgrade.