Remove default eyebrows with G8 figures

hello, i purchased the product "super natural brows" becaue the default brows with G8 models just didnt look right.
so, now I am applying the SN brows to my models, but the default, original brows are still there. How can I remove those? They do not change with the overlaying SN brows when I change the shape or style of the SN brows. Im guessing that the underlying default brows with G8 figures need to go away? but how?
Quite a lot of Genesis 8 characters include a no-brow option, if that isn't available you need something like , or you can achieve a similar effect by moving a potyion of the forehead texture down over the existing brows (in an image editor, either editing the whole map or creating a shifted portion of the map and a mask to be applied through the Layered Image Editor).
Thanks for the reply RH. I am using the default, free G8 model. Do you know if this model available with "no brow" option?
I undertand that if it is not, then I must either purchase the "brow remover" you mentioned or edit the skin texture with an image editor.
I think I'll edit with a image editing tool. Do you know where the skin texture is located that I would edit for standard G8 characters?
(your drive)/Users/(your directory)/DAZ3D/Studio/MyLibrary/Runtime/Textures/DAZ/Characters/Genesis8/Victoria8. Replacing (your drive), with the drive that you saved daz to. (your directory), this is more likey your name or the name you gave your computer when you loaded it. like for instance mine is located on E:/ drive and the user file is my name. then the rest is just like above. I took the liberty of removing the eyebrows when i first got the character. To do it manualy you need to remove the brows from all the face files. these include; G8FBaseFaceMapB_1001,G8FBaseFaceMapD_1001,G8FBaseFaceMapS_1001, and G8FBaseFaceMapSSS_1001. I put them together in photoshop selected the area that I wanted to use to cover the brows and then moved the selection to each layer copying each layer then moving them in the same spot so that it was consistant on each map. I have experience texturing from my work for various studio's. It takes a while to get it done but very satisfying. Hope this helps.
Depending on how many libraries you have, but ... Runtime/Textures is the place to start.
Easiest way:
Load the character > Select
Go to Surfaces Tab > Look for Surfaces (which has for characters various slots including Torso, Arms, Legs and Face.
Click on one, for example Face: notice the small textures in the included image.
Click on one of those and then hit browse; that will take you to the folder where all the images are.
They are usually all in the same place, or in sub folders on occasions.
I wonder if DAZ would have a bad time of it if I posted the modified files that I have... They are of the free genesis 8.... If anyone knows if I can then I will load them up
Although Genesis 8 is free to use it isn't freely distributable, so I'm afraid it wouldn't be permissible to put the modified files up.
Thanks Richard, I kinda thought that they might.
I am running into the same problem. I am new to DAZ 3D and I with other programs I have used, I have noticed that the eyebrows play a very important role in how the face looks overall. Changing them out seems like a very important thing to be able to do. But I initialy thought too that new eyebrows would replace any existing eyebrows on a character. WRONG! You need to have a character that has the ability to switch the existing eyebrows off. There is an eyebrow set that includes what is called an Eyebrow Eraser, but naturally it is the most expensive set I came across. Sure you can get an eyebrow remover separately, but again it costs extra money $10 in fact for that feature alone. It would seem the least costly way is to manually remove them with another program. BUT being a newbie, I am not ready to that. So the next best option is to get a character base that I can remove the eyebrows.
So what I would like to know is if a list of characters can be posted here that include this feature.
Thank you,