Cannot install DAZ to Maya Plugin

I recently purchased the DAZ to Maya plugin, but no matter what I do, I cannot download and install with DIM. I tried the manual download, but clicking the button just takes me to the product page. Has anyone encountered this problem? If so, how did you fix it?
Along with waiting for any suggestions here, I would recommend you submit a ticket as that way Daz can try to assist you directly. Make sure you include Computer specs and which versions of Daz Studio (Daz is the company name) and Maya you are using.
Have you set the path to Maya in the Applications tab of Install Manager's prefrencs (the gear icon at top-right)?
I have set the path to Maya in Install Manager. The problem is that DAZ to Maya does not appear in the "Ready for Download" tab. Clicking on Download and Install on the order page brings up the Install Manager, but the program does not show. After several attempts, I decided to try the manual download. I click on the manual download button, and I get dumped to the product page. No file is downloaded.
If you go to the Ready to Download tab of Install Manager and click the Download Filters button is Maya checked?
Yes, Maya is checked.
And other software and plug-ins show in DIM? It shouldn't be needed, but try checking Show hidden items. Also type Maya into the filter box and check the other tabs, in case DIM thinks it has installed the tool or has a download already.
I checked as you suggest, and still nothing.
I think you need to open a support ticket then