Displacement doesn't work on G3 / G8 figures in IRAY

the other day I tried to give Darius 7 some deep displacement for a cyberline in IRAY. I set up a displacement map, B/W only, Strength to 100%, Min to -0.25, Max to 0, Dips SubD to 3 - standard for me, up to then.
But the displacement didn't work. I tried setting to ridiculous values, as 200 for strength, -500 for Min, I increased Figures Resolution, tried then G8F/G8M/G3Mstandard. Nothing either.
Converted all Surfaces to UberSurface - works.
What has happened here and is there ANY possibility to give IRAY microdisplacement back?
I "solved" the problem, only to unravel another questionable feature of IRAY - you can only have as much MIN displacement as you have MAX. -1 / +0.1 makes IRAY render to -0.1/0.1. -1/+2 makes IRAY render to -1/+2. WHYY?
Yes, this is an issue that came up a few weeks back. I thought I had bug reported it but maybe it was just discussed because different people were getting different results.
Thanks for the info! (Sorry for delay, though I had commented already).
Do you think there is any chance the programmers will fix the displacement of IRAY? It's a great render engine, no doubt, but this is the ONE flaw that bugged me from the beginning - 3DL had microdisplacement, why doesn't IRAY? Since I work a lot with closeups, I wor a lot with disp.
It's not something Daz can fix, it would require chnages in the Iray engine which is purely nVidia's work.
I figured out a solution in OMS1, though it requires wrangling with the rest of the complex shader. At some point I might try releasing a shader that just addresses this issue.
@Richard: Thanks, I feared that. I wonder if there is any chance that NVidia'll fix it if enough of us complain. But -
@Oso3D: - if there is any workaround, I'd love to hear about it (or buy the shader ;)). I only hope it doesn't involve scripting or the shader mixer, I never got that ^^ (although it'd be another good excuse to give it a go again)
Shader mixer dark arts. :)
Aargh, I knew it! XD *mumblemumble* Have I gotta got through that nody labyrinth.... *mumblemumble* ^^