Bugtracker I assume this means they are dismissing this idea?

I never submitted a bug tracker before, so I'm not sure what this means.
This is a feature request, not a bug report.
I assume this means they aren't interested?
Silly because it is such a common feature in other software.
Fenric? I would be happy to pay for this feature.
anyway below is the bug report response.
Reported By: 8068
Assigned To: dtamm
Project: Carrara
Issue ID: 50010
Category: Feature
Reproducibility: have not tried
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: resolved
Fixed in Build:
Platform(s): PC
Resolution: fixed
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 2013-03-27 00:29 MDT
Last Modified: 2013-06-12 08:08 MDT
Summary: Play, stop, Frame advance, frame back , keyboard
I have just gotten a wicked case of Carpel Tunnel animating in Carrara 8.1.
Keyboard Shortcuts for "Play" "Stop" "Next Frame" and "Previous Frame" (
not next keyframe)would reduce a great deal of mousing, and would follow
the convention of many other programs. ( Quicktime, Protools, Final Cut
etc) As well it would allow the user to use a controller like the Shuttle
Pro which would allow scrubbing play stop and other shortcuts to be
programmed to a controller. Please consider this option as it seems like
might not be to difficult to add this feature.
Thank you
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-03-27 00:29 8068 New Issue
2013-03-27 00:29 8068 Platform(s) => PC
2013-06-12 08:08 dtamm Status new => resolved
2013-06-12 08:08 dtamm Resolution open => fixed
2013-06-12 08:08 dtamm Assigned To => dtamm
If you have a look at the Bug Tracker, there are a few states the devs can set your request to, such as "opened" "assigned" "confirmed" etc.
Your request has been set to "resolved", and the resolution has been set to "fixed". I would interpret that to mean that they have added (or repaired, if it worked previously) the issue, but I don't have any more info.
If it does not show up in the next beta, it may in the following release....
Have a look at some of the other reports, and their color-coded statuses for a better idea of what the possibilities are...
That is encouraging!
I'll have to ask around when the new beta comes out. Currently 8.1 handles my needs,
but if this was included would be worth it to make the change.
I read it the same way as Holly.
It looks like this feature has been added, and should be in the next beta release,. ...or the one after that.
it also shows that the developers are currently adding to Carrara's features, and not only support for genesis.
Agree. This is probably been added(resolved) to the next version.
If it has been added I will be very happy - any improvement to animation tools are welcome. I've been plugging away for improvements to Puppeteer to bring up to standard of Daz Studio. One resonse I had was "sorry I dont use studio therefore cannot compare". The "request" died I think.
I don't do studio either... can you explain what its Puppeteer does that Carrara's doesn't?
I started new thread to answer this as it's off the original topic.