how to make feet with sand on them

in The Commons
there must be a good way to do this, having characters walk on the beach without some and on them looks odd.
like this....

275 x 183 - 10K

275 x 183 - 14K
Iray or 3DL?
I don't know about IRay but in 3DL a geometry shell with properly made opacity- and displacement maps probably would go a long way;)
I was thinking one of the custom dirt shaders. In Iray you can use decals to put the shader just on the feet I think. I am not a DS user, but I have seen people do things like this.
Try a geo-shell with a simple "noise" shader, using the noise image for both bump and cutout opacity, and set the diffuse color and glossy color (adjust roughness for moisture) to match your sandy beach. For more precise placement, use the leg UV map, and place the noise as an overlay - you might be able to do this in LIE; I haven't tried that yet for a geoshell.
The fastest way is probably post work. A layer over the image + speckled brush + bevel and emboss + a subtle and close drop shadow.
Yeah. You know what? Thanks for that.
If you use photoshop, you can pick up a 'sand' layer style which allows you to change anything you brush to have a sandy look. It is mostly used to make cool fonts that look like sand, but you can use it as art too.
There is also a recent hair product: which includes a sandy skin layer.
Great idea. What about footprints in the sand?
There are brushes you can use to make sand footprints. I have also foudn car tire tracks which work well in snow and sand.
....Nerd3D has a Footsteps tool but not sure if it works in Iray
Having owned that for many years and tried it on a fresh-ish install last night, it doesn't even work in DS any more.
THANK YOU! I was looking for that product ALL day, must search Daz for Sand and Beach and Shader and Mens Clothes (I rememberd the promo photos) for HOURS.. I knew it was out there, but it is NOT obvious that is what one is looking for. Of course, I actually OWN IT, but that did not help one single bit.
Meanwhile, I went witht the photoshop solution. Soooo effective, and so much simpler. Ended up using the built in Kyle's Spatter brush.
I started out rendering a lot of stereoscopic 3D, and had becoome a bit of a "purist" by necessity of that format; but I have GOT to get my head back into postwork for my 2D stuff.
Thanks, All!