Hair Drape stopped working on V4 head

Hello... I tried to search this problem, but no luck. If there's a post covering it, please point me to it.
I'm using the Infinite Skills tutorials which are great, even if they did cost a bit. Am doing the direct hair tut on V 4.2. Everything works fine until I go to drape after brushing. I don't get the little progress bar anymore and nothing happens. I have made hair and styled it on primitives and one other model I made from an object before this and they work fine, with higher hair counts as well!
Down in the little preview pain lower right, I see a "wee flash" on the model when I click on Drape All or try to use the icon in the tool bar. NADA draping happens. I even left it whilst I ate dinner for a half hour. The Drape All bar does go light coloured when I press it, but it doesn't last long.
I've lowered the hair/segment/guide count, but no luck. I also cannot get my hair generated view back again once the failed drape operation is started. I saved this styling up until the drape point and reload it onto the model and go through the same thing again. What am I doing wrong?
Cheers for any help... will check tomorrow as am heading out now.
:) SileneUK
My *guess* would be to first check the scene time, to make sure you are beginning the sim on the first frame and there is actual time remaining (either as set in the scene or in the sim window) for the drape to happen. After that the possible issues are hair stiffness and those settings...
If you could do a full screen grab of the interface it might help.
Hello Holly,
Thanks for the reply and offer to help. Here's the screenie. I put a red line from the Drape All button which shows as lighted when depressed and the resulting preview pane with the "flash" of yellow in the centre and the brightened transform tool. I put the other panels up too for the settings.
I noticed the Frame settings are on a default of 0-4.... there was no mention of those settings in the tut. Some of the tuts are for work-along with the viewing, others are just for viewing. I haven't gotten to the work-along ones yet but the tutor says to do whatever you feel ready to do. So am probably not using all the right settings although I changed all the ones he said to change.
I also thought maybe my V4 was too big a file as it has Morphs ++.... I took off the clothes I'd slapped on and removed the spotlights I'd set up as he does mention to leave them off whilst testing/rendering other items....I think. So should I work with a plain morphs++ ?
Thanks again,
Cheers, SileneUK
ETA: I meant to say the guide hairs have been brushed only....they are not in the middle of draping or anything like that. Also, the Show Generated Hairs will not show the hairs once the aborted draping op the Drape All button goes back to unlighted status.
Sounds like an old bug where the gravity gets turned off somehow. In the Assemble room, Edit->Edit Scene Effects->Physics tab and check, Use Default Gravity.
Thank you so much tbwoq...that fixed it perfectly. Wsh I knew how it got buggered up to begin with.
You're a star!
xx SileneUK
Easy, carrara does arbitrary things on import. Some times you have gravity some times you don't. Some times you have bullet physics sometimes you don't. Some times it imports metric some times standard. Some times it imports as a small scene, some times as a medium, and some times as a large. I mean you might as well role dice on import.
Thank you ManStan,
I've certainly got a lot to learn. I am not into animation or creating highly complex 3Dscenes, I just need to create believable ancient human characters for a graphic children's book as I want to be able to move and pose them in their daily activities. I see many of the Board's veterans posts here and in the archives about the techniques I need to learn like hair for bodies. Next is clothing.... ancient clothing that is NOT fantasy is hard to find so will have to learn to do parts on my own or adopt from available content. and make then furry/hairy in parts. It's great having all this talent available to give advice and warning!
Cheers, SileneUK