Morphing clothing from Gen3 to Victoria 7

Hi, I am still quite new to building clothing for characters, and would like to know if this topic has already been answered before or if there are any resources or tutorials I can look at or buy that will help me out with my problum.
Attached are three images, I am developing a scifi outfit for Gen3, as you can see in the images, however I would like the outfit to also fit Victoria 7, as she is a morph for Gen3. However when I dial up Victoria 7 morph on Gen3 character, the suit almost fits perfectly, except if you look at the back and a few other places, you can see some of the mesh has distortions in it and I am at a loss on how to fix that.
Essentially I want to create a victoria 7 morph on my suit so if I put it on my Gen 3 character and I chose to do a Victoria 7 morph, the suit will look great as well.
Any help would be greatly apriciated.
Thank you so much.

ok thank you so much for this helpfull information. I will try it out. It is very much apriciated. :)
So I did everything as you said, however every time I import my newly edited mesh, into morph loader and try to assign the new morph I get the error that says my mesh is not compatable. I dont understand why, because I did not delete or create any new vertacies or polygons. All I did was move them around to fit better. What am I doing wrong. Do you have any Idea?
Ahhh, I figured it out. my 3D modeler was optimizing my suit at export thus changing the geomatry. I use 3DS Max and so it has a check box for unchecking it. It works now. :)
Hello, I am successfully able to load any character or clothing morph using the morph loader pro tool. however right now I have a different problum. It seams as though morph loader pro is not loading the morph onto the cloths, because it doesnt matter how many times I load it in, the cloths stay the same.
Attached is an image of my problum, I am building a scifi suit for Gen3 as you can see in the image, and I am trying to get the suit to fit Victoria 7 morph, when dialed the suit fits almost perfectly except at the back there is a bit of the underlying suit poking through, I tryed to apply the smoothing modifyer but that just makes it worse.
Below are the steps I followed to create a clothing morph. posed by Richard Haseltine
But everytime I load the morph, nothing happends to the suit. nothing is fixed.
Any help would be greatly apriciated. maybe I am doing something wrong or missing a step.
Merged threads since it's all part of the same discussion
If you just import the OBJ does it seem the right shape to cover up the poke-through?
yes! the suit i a pefect fit and covers all areas needed. the problum comes in when I fit the suit to the gen character and then the autofit happends and the pokethroughs apear. :(
That suggests that either the name is wrong or that it is not the actual morph you are matching. What is the morph OBJ named?
is it FBMVictoria7 or CTRLVictoria7
I figured it out it shuld be named FBMVictoria7. Thank you very much for all your help. Much apriciated!!!
If I wanted to fit the suit for Gen3 to Gen8 do you know the morph name for Gen8 or would I do it differently. thanks. :)
G8 is a different figure with different rigging, a morph will not be enough.
Ok so I must really be not understanding the process because now I am having another problum. :P Thank you for being so pasient with me.
So here is a small video I made of the process I go through to create a clothing morph for my character. I want to try and fit the character to Teen Josie 7 character. But every time I try it, the outfit shrinks on the character when autofitted. I dont know what I am doing wrong. I got the name correct, because when the outfit is fitted to Gen3 you can see in the morphs that it is grayed out and at 100% when the morph is activated. but the outfit is not correct.
When not autofitted to Gen3 the outfit is perfect, even the pokethrough that I fixed in my editor is showing up properly, but as soon as I autofit the problum starts.
Any help would be greatly apriciated. Thanks so much.
Acharya D
Josie has some scaling and (I think) translation applied - those will come over directly from the figure, so they should not be included in the morph or you will get a double effect. Check that scaling on the figure node and translation on the hip are zero before exporting the OBJs for making the morph.
ok will do and try again thanks.
YES!!! That fixed it. Thank you so much. It was driving me Crazy!!! Thank you Thank you!