Moving surfaces from one bone to another

Hi, any simple way to move all/some selected surfaces from one bone to another in Daz studio?




  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882

    Surfaces are not related to bones, so I'm not at all sure what you are asking.

  • ARealitiARealiti Posts: 150
    edited March 2018

    Surfaces are not related to bones, so I'm not at all sure what you are asking.

    1. Using geometry selection, select the area of the mesh from which you wish to extract the Weight Map Influence.
    2. In the Scene Tab - Select the bone or bones that will receive the Weight Map Influence. Remember you can hold CTRL to select multiple bones in the Scene Tab.
    3. While still holding CTRL, select the map that the Influence will be extracted from.
    4. At this moment you should have at least 2 bones selected (or more). In your Viewport you should be seeing the Weight Map Influence from which you wish to extract from.
    5. Select “Distribute Selected Bone Weights”.
    6. The weights should now be spread out to the other bones evenly.

    This really gives me a head ache as my transferred target which I want to just be influenced by the top bone it is connected to for a beard, i.e. the head once I do this loses the connection of the beard to the head altogether, i.e. the beard is auto rigged with the transfer utility with lower chest, upper chest and head bone weights and I then try to remove the lower chest and upper chest bone weights and apply the head weight of the beard to these parts but what I get is the whole beard ripping off the face doh! Anyone come across this / the solution? And yes maybe the solution is Maya :)



    Post edited by ARealiti on
  • ARealitiARealiti Posts: 150

    Turns out that it was the chin not the head that I need to change the lower and upper chest to, in Maya I changed the bone weight to the chin only and the beard stays in place, going to have a few of these bringing in turbosquid / other obj models so the auto rigging transfer utility will keep me busy. Would love an option to chose the bones influence on the auto rig, maybe the mapping setting allows this, lots to learn.

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