Environment Content Error - Cannot open file

Okay, this is just driving me nuts. Short story is that I cannot load any environment product from Smart Content, or the Content tab. I'll attach the error but it basically says that the .duf file does not exist.

Longer story. I just setup a new computer. Installed DAZ, configured and download all my content. I'm a maniac and have several thousand products. Yeah, I know. Okay, I'm attaching my Content Management window as well. Every product I have download works fine, with the exception of the Environment products. That's what's bugging me. If I select the product from within DAZ I get the error. If I right-click and select to 'Browse to file location' it opens a window and shows the files. They are there and DAZ knows it! If I close DAZ and go to the file location and click on a .duf file, DAZ will open and load the environment. But, such as in Terradome 3, I cannot add or modify any envirnment assets as I get the cannot find the file error. 

It's only the Environment products giving the error. Not just Terradome, but Easy Environment produst as well as others. Figures, props, lighting, all work.

Any idea what I've screwed up? I'm totally lost on this.

Thanksin advance for any and all help!

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  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882

    Judging by the icons in the products list Easy Environment Exo Planet is showing as installed via Connect, if you go back out of the terraDome 3 product to see its icon in the Smart Content Products tab does it have a colour thumbnail with a circled down-pointing triangle at top-right (indicating isntalled with DIM) or is the circled triangle not there (installed via Connect). The files you are trying to load are the Connect install, but if the Content Management System things there's a Connect install it will be trying to use that.

  • GunsmokeGunsmoke Posts: 30
    edited March 2018

    Judging by the icons in the products list Easy Environment Exo Planet is showing as installed via Connect, if you go back out of the terraDome 3 product to see its icon in the Smart Content Products tab does it have a colour thumbnail with a circled down-pointing triangle at top-right (indicating isntalled with DIM) or is the circled triangle not there (installed via Connect). The files you are trying to load are the Connect install, but if the Content Management System things there's a Connect install it will be trying to use that.

    I appreciate the response!  Both Terradome 3 and Easy Environments have no 'down arrow'. So your saying that amisdst all the installing I was doing, I managed to click those to install using 'Connect' rather than letting DIM download and install. Okay. I can certainly delete and let DIM install them, but that brings up another question. Why would it matter?

    Both these product show in DIM. Hm?

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    Post edited by Gunsmoke on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882

    Have you changed the location Connect is using recently (it's obviously not the default, the question is whether it was changed after the installation of those products)? Because it seems that it is unable to find those files, and since it thinks there's a Connect isntall it isn't looking at the DIM one. You could right-click on the product and select Uninstall, which will remove the file references for the Connect version and should then allow DS to load the DIM install.

  • GunsmokeGunsmoke Posts: 30

    Have you changed the location Connect is using recently (it's obviously not the default, the question is whether it was changed after the installation of those products)? Because it seems that it is unable to find those files, and since it thinks there's a Connect isntall it isn't looking at the DIM one. You could right-click on the product and select Uninstall, which will remove the file references for the Connect version and should then allow DS to load the DIM install.

    I have not change the location. This is a fresh install to a virgin computer. I setup the paths when I first installed DIM, before performing any downloads. I have uninstalled the Easy Environment Exo Planet and am confused again. I brought up DIM and it does not list that package as an option to download or install. It does still show in the Smart Content with the Circle/Arrow icon. I'm trying a few things and will post back. Thanks again.

  • GunsmokeGunsmoke Posts: 30

    Okay. All fixed. I'm still confused, but I can live with that!

    I 'right-clicked' as Richard suggested and selected uninstall. Ran DIM and got no option to download or install the product. So, checked DIM and it showed as 'installed'. Even though I had uninstalled it. So, i uninstalled it in DIM. Closed DIM. Ran DIM. Downloaded a fresh copy of the product and installed in DIM. Opened DAZ. It now shows in the Smart Content with the 'circle/arrow' icon. But it all works. So, I'm guessing I'll have to do that with EVERY product in my Environment content panel. Bummer. But at least I'm on the right track.

    Many thanks Richard for pointing me in the right direction!

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  • GunsmokeGunsmoke Posts: 30

    One last update, Yep, Terradome 3 works fine after a DIM re-install. Looks like I have a little work to do. Thanks again.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882

    I didn't think you would have had to reinstall the DIM version - the uninstall option in DS affects only the Connect install (which puts the files in a totally different place) - but maybe the database referecnes to the DIM install are completely removed by Connect (or maybe they didn't get entered in the first place, which might be how you ended up with a Connect install).

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