What's a good free JCM tutorial?

I thought I making JCMs would be a fairly straight-forward process, but it isn't, at least for me. After making a test correction by settng the right thigh to 85º, I exported the zero-level mesh (and base figure), opened it up in Modo for a correction, deleted the base figure, and use the Advanced Morph Loader to bring it with with an ERC connecting it to the same bend. It doesn't connect to the bending and when I adjust the morph manually, it doubles the movement. Now I have no idea how to go forward with this. I'd rather avoid a paid tutorial, but I'd also like to get this sorted.
Couple of things to check - did you name the morph exactly the same as the one that's activated? That way it will overwrite the auto generated morph when you import it in. Also make sure you check reverse deformation if you call it a different name so that it only load the differences instead of the whole morph - avoids the double effect :)
Thanks! I can't figure out how to link it to the right thing. My test was something to smooth the extreme for the Right Thigh Bend joint's ZRotate (according to the parameter name). But I dont see a unique identifier I could link it to while loading the morph, or how to do it via editing the parameters.
I've also discover that my morph is a complete disaster outside of the correction range: everything is good without it except at extremities, so I'll want to limit it to a very narrow range of motion. I think I need nodes so I can see what connects with what!
If you want to see the name of the JCM that's activated click on the clothing item in the scene window (with the figure leg out to the side of course), and then select currently used in the parameters window. You should see the names of JCM's being used - for thigh at 85 its pJCMThighSide_85_R, for left its pJCMThighSide_85_L. Call your morph the exact same name, and import with Morph Loader Pro. Make sure reverse deformation is set to yes, and Overwrite Existing to Deltas only.
Thank you, Mada. That's exactly what I needed to know. It even avoids the problems I had with it being a free-range morph.
You're welcome :)