Third party additional rigging "patch" possibility

I have a very odd conundrum... Lately I have been doing rigging work in DazStudio such as adding bones to existing assets and completely rigging various free OBJ files and such for personal use. Many of my friends really like what I have done, particularly with older products and various freebies around the net. Unfortunately it is my understanding I can not even give my modifications to anybody in most cases legally even if they have purchased the same product or acquired the freebie. So I've been pondering a two fold issue, is there a method to basically patch/modify the information necessary to add the enhanced rigging I've done and any legal concerns if by some chance it is possible. I have no desire to violate anyone's copyright or IP, nor any interest in profiting from my modifications. I realize this is both a technical and legally complex concept and would appreciate any information to accomplish this crazy feat or acceptable legal means to share both fixes and enhancements.
Thank you in advance
Check the license terms in the readme, some may allow this. If not, one alternative may be to encrypt the chnages using the original file as a key - but I'm not sure what tools are available for this, and it can't really be assumed to be OK in all circumstances though it was deemed acceptable in the Poser community at one time.
In this case it is likely that the license is CCBY and does allow you to share your version provided you credit the original author. And provided you create your own rig. Of course to be sure you have to check the license and/or ask the author.
Thanks for the input :)
I was familiar with the practice of using the orginal mesh as the key in encrypted archives, and there was a program that was used alot by game modders that would use the orginal mesh as a key and only contained the changes to the mesh. My idea was something similar to the afore mentioned program but for info Daz uses for rigging, which to be honest I haven't really researched how it is stored yet. As for doing complete rigging on OBJ and other importables, I knew about the CCBY license and several similar ones, it definately was a good thing to point out for those reading the comments that aren't. It seems alot of my modifications have been on things that are very ambiguous on their actual licensing some don't even specifiy a recognized licensing practice on the site they come from or in the readme files. Admittedly this is a very atypical issue for niche work or I'm probably just overthinking the whole matter, lol.
And again thanks for the input.