adding bones on figure/models

i wish to add and modify bones on existing figure from content library
i do know the figure setup pane, but it seems i'll have to import geometry 1st before rigging process, which i dont understand
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i wish to add and modify bones on existing figure from content library
i do know the figure setup pane, but it seems i'll have to import geometry 1st before rigging process, which i dont understand
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With an existing asset you would have to use the Geometry Editor to cull whatever you wish to rig with a new bone into a new face group (NOT SURFACE) then use the Joint Editor to create a new child bone, its parent will depend on various things and associate the face group with the new bone then you would have to weight map then new bone's face group. That is the quick and dirty way, there are several tutorials on rigging in daz on the net, look for one that includes the geometry editor in the process. Figure setup works best with object that have face groups already assigned not usually obj's, modifing an existing asset isn't usually as straight forward.
Best of luck :)
this helped me so thanks ! :D