Request information for new Carrara shaders.

ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
edited December 1969 in Carrara Discussion

Hello everyone,

First I would like to thank everyone that supported the purchase of the DP Carrara Master Collection Shaders.
Now my questions is what other type or style of shaders would you like to see available in future releases.

Once again Thank You.


  • The Pencil NeckThe Pencil Neck Posts: 163
    edited December 1969

    First off, I haven't bought your Master Collection, yet. It's on my Wish List, though.

    It would be nice to have a collection of Luxus shaders; Im not sure how big of a market that is but it would be nice to be able to quickly grab something instead of futzing with it myself until I get it where I want it.

    New Terrain shaders would also be nice.

  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    First off, I haven't bought your Master Collection, yet. It's on my Wish List, though.

    It would be nice to have a collection of Luxus shaders; Im not sure how big of a market that is but it would be nice to be able to quickly grab something instead of futzing with it myself until I get it where I want it.

    New Terrain shaders would also be nice.

    Thank you for the input. I will see about the Luxus shaders and the terrain shaders.


  • DiomedeDiomede Posts: 15,225
    edited December 1969

    I have some of your shaders and really enjoy them - although I haven't bought the master shaders yet. I second the nomination for more terrain shaders. I might also suggest some displacement and some alpha shaders. How about a metal shader that uses displacement for rivets and seams?

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    I was planning on making more animated shaders for running water/liquid effects. Perhaps you could pick that one up? I was going to use Dogwaffle to create them - but any avi or image sequence would work, so long as they loop. Project Dogwaffle: Howler 8.2 has a feature that can make your animation a looping cycle, which is very helpful for such things. I was also going to look into... well, I'll keep that one a secret still.

    Many people complain about Carrara's inability to "make" liquids. It doesn't make liquid sims like others have done, but we can still make liquids the way fx people have always had to make them in the past. Carrara is very powerful.

    Ringo, one of us has to create some particles presets for things like liquids, fire and smoke, gas leaks, and make products along those lines as well - just to help stir those imagination coals a bit!

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    Oh.. to further explain the shader comment above, running water/liquids shaders.

    There should be generic version with a simple flow for use on any object simply by using an animation loop in color, highlight, bump, etc.,
    But I also had good results with my quick test on a Millennium Figure as well. I took the color and highlight maps into Howler and used a Rain FX on them - very subtly. Although it created straight lines of running water upon the texture, the idea was only used as a test to see if it would work. It did - and looked great - but can be difficult when it comes to locking down the animations in multiple channels in Carrara. Almost like it forgets to run the animation for certain parts. Likely an oversight on my end - because when I started over, it worked great.

    Using the AnyFX plugin for PD (Project Dogwaffle) to simulate rain upon those maps causes straight lines in directions that are determined prior to rendering within Howler, and can be animated to change. Dogwaffle has a powerful selection method which they refer to as the Alpha layer. Anything you paint whiter into alpha becomes a selection, black deselects. Well then you can fade or blur or otherwise enhance the difference between white and black. So if you slightly blur a selection, it fades that selection. You can make multiple selections, applying the AnyFX rain (ir snow, or combinations) to just that selection. In the AnyFX window, it will look as if you're applying it to the entire image. But in the end, it will go wherever you have the selection. This process can be repeated over and over. This can be used to have the running drip effect follow the contours of the texture. I was going to start with a selection that would work well for vertical dripping, which is most of the texture's surface. Once done applying the vertical, save. Then work in the other directions. Directions and how uniform or chaotic that direction is can be controlled and animated - AnyFX has it's own keyframe timeline aside from Howler's.

    My test used a three second loop animation. This turns out to be much longer than necessary, but would provide more option for change. But a good default dripping texture could be one second, more or less, with the Sawtooth option Oscillating tweener. A good six, eight or ten second shader should meet most people's needs - with a very simple method for changing the overall time limit.

    If such an idea interests you, I'd be happy to share more of my ideas and results on the subject. We can never have too many shaders collections in our browsers.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    For liquids, you can actually use PD Pro: Howler 8.2's 3d designer to create the moving liquid animations for everything between water and gloppy lava, and even showers of rocks, if you want. Then just have the proportions of the avi or sequence images to the size of texture map you want. Bam! You can then use the animation timeline editor (in Howler) to apply effects, like values, inverse, grayscale, sharpen, blur, etc., across an entire animation for making different effects for the color maps, highlight maps, bump maps (my figure tests used the animated drips as white on a very dark texture for bump - which raised the drops to run on the surface of the skin! Kick A... Ankle! Yeah, Kick Ankle!), glow channel, or any other cool ideas you might come up with.

  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    diomede64 said:
    I have some of your shaders and really enjoy them - although I haven't bought the master shaders yet. I second the nomination for more terrain shaders. I might also suggest some displacement and some alpha shaders. How about a metal shader that uses displacement for rivets and seams?

    Excellent suggestions!


  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    I was planning on making more animated shaders for running water/liquid effects. Perhaps you could pick that one up? I was going to use Dogwaffle to create them - but any avi or image sequence would work, so long as they loop. Project Dogwaffle: Howler 8.2 has a feature that can make your animation a looping cycle, which is very helpful for such things. I was also going to look into... well, I'll keep that one a secret still.

    Many people complain about Carrara's inability to "make" liquids. It doesn't make liquid sims like others have done, but we can still make liquids the way fx people have always had to make them in the past. Carrara is very powerful.

    Ringo, one of us has to create some particles presets for things like liquids, fire and smoke, gas leaks, and make products along those lines as well - just to help stir those imagination coals a bit!

    Animated water shaders and effects plus the paticles preset are all excellent suggestions. We do need to stir up the imagination and show off what can be done with Carrara!


  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,729
    edited December 1969

    No, Ringo... Thank YOU!

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
    edited December 1969

    Here are some screenshots of shaders that look awesome, looks like hires textures with displacement maps to get a photo real look:

    Another one (leather):

    Nature shader:

    Luxrender shaders would be awesome too, not sure where to start since the shader library is so small now.

    Also, please include the promo scenes as a "ready to render" bonus addition.

  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited December 1969

    I was planning on making more animated shaders for running water/liquid effects. Perhaps you could pick that one up? I was going to use Dogwaffle to create them - but any avi or image sequence would work, so long as they loop. Project Dogwaffle: Howler 8.2 has a feature that can make your animation a looping cycle, which is very helpful for such things. I was also going to look into... well, I'll keep that one a secret still.

    Many people complain about Carrara's inability to "make" liquids. It doesn't make liquid sims like others have done, but we can still make liquids the way fx people have always had to make them in the past. Carrara is very powerful.

    Ringo, one of us has to create some particles presets for things like liquids, fire and smoke, gas leaks, and make products along those lines as well - just to help stir those imagination coals a bit!

    Animated water shaders and effects plus the paticles preset are all excellent suggestions. We do need to stir up the imagination and show off what can be done with Carrara!


    I'm all for that idea! I've enjoyed using previous shaders you've released, Ringo!

  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited December 1969

    3drendero said:
    Here are some screenshots of shaders that look awesome, looks like hires textures with displacement maps to get a photo real look:

    Another one (leather):

    Nature shader:

    Luxrender shaders would be awesome too, not sure where to start since the shader library is so small now.

    Also, please include the promo scenes as a "ready to render" bonus addition.

    I like those ideas, too!

  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    I was planning on making more animated shaders for running water/liquid effects. Perhaps you could pick that one up? I was going to use Dogwaffle to create them - but any avi or image sequence would work, so long as they loop. Project Dogwaffle: Howler 8.2 has a feature that can make your animation a looping cycle, which is very helpful for such things. I was also going to look into... well, I'll keep that one a secret still.

    Many people complain about Carrara's inability to "make" liquids. It doesn't make liquid sims like others have done, but we can still make liquids the way fx people have always had to make them in the past. Carrara is very powerful.

    Ringo, one of us has to create some particles presets for things like liquids, fire and smoke, gas leaks, and make products along those lines as well - just to help stir those imagination coals a bit!

    Animated water shaders and effects plus the paticles preset are all excellent suggestions. We do need to stir up the imagination and show off what can be done with Carrara!


    I'm all for that idea! I've enjoyed using previous shaders you've released, Ringo!

    Thank you Kevin!

  • CbirdCbird Posts: 493
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for asking. I've bought this collection and know I'll buy whatever is next. But since you asked . . .

    Fabrics--I know I'd use them almost daily. Velvet, crushed velvet, silk, watered silk, satin, terry, broadcloth, linen, denims, leathers, canvas, burlap, cottons, weaves of all sorts for clothes, furniture, cars. I'm sure others could add to this list :)

    Hello everyone,

    First I would like to thank everyone that supported the purchase of the DP Carrara Master Collection Shaders.
    Now my questions is what other type or style of shaders would you like to see available in future releases.

    Once again Thank You.

  • Kevin SandersonKevin Sanderson Posts: 1,643
    edited December 1969

    Cbird said:
    Thank you for asking. I've bought this collection and know I'll buy whatever is next. But since you asked . . .

    Fabrics--I know I'd use them almost daily. Velvet, crushed velvet, silk, watered silk, satin, terry, broadcloth, linen, denims, leathers, canvas, burlap, cottons, weaves of all sorts for clothes, furniture, cars. I'm sure others could add to this list :)

    Hello everyone,

    First I would like to thank everyone that supported the purchase of the DP Carrara Master Collection Shaders.
    Now my questions is what other type or style of shaders would you like to see available in future releases.

    Once again Thank You.

    The good list continues!

  • Jay_NOLAJay_NOLA Posts: 1,145
    edited December 1969

    Some I'd like to see in no particular order.

    1.) Luxus shaders
    2.) Some shaders specifically set up to be used for toon style and comic book work. Some that can generate tone sheets used in black and white comics is something I really would like to have. Lots of people want to use Carrara to make comics and do cell style animation I've noticed and would like to have more resources to help in doing this.
    3.) Special effect type shaders.
    4..) Animated water and lava shaders
    5.) Some shaders designed to be used with some of the Carrara plugins. A few shades exist that are designed to work with specific plugins but I'd like to have a lot more of them for the well established supported plugins.
    6.) Figure shaders that include a Luxus version as well as a toon version. It can take a good bit of time just setting up the shaders for a figure to be rendered using Luxus or to be rendered using ToonPro. I wouldn't mind paying a little more for a set of shaders set up fo that to be included with future figure shaders.
    7.) Aiko 3 & Hero 3 Carrara shaders. Gen 5 ones for the other base characters would be be nice too. I'm not sure how much the new Gen 6 figures are going to be in seeing Carrara shaders for the Gen 5s and those Gen 3s I mentioned in regards to demand for them.

    Maybe also included a sample scene to show best how to use a certain type of shader and some camera and light presets to help with using some.

  • booksbydavidbooksbydavid Posts: 429
    edited December 1969

    Cbird said:
    Thank you for asking. I've bought this collection and know I'll buy whatever is next. But since you asked . . .

    Fabrics--I know I'd use them almost daily. Velvet, crushed velvet, silk, watered silk, satin, terry, broadcloth, linen, denims, leathers, canvas, burlap, cottons, weaves of all sorts for clothes, furniture, cars. I'm sure others could add to this list :)

    I second and third this request. Cloth/fabric shaders would be awesome. I have some done by Holyforest, but I can always use more variety.

    Also, Luxus shaders would be pretty cool, too.

  • laverdet_943f1f7da1laverdet_943f1f7da1 Posts: 252
    edited December 1969

    I agree with others: Luxus shaders, in the different "classic" groups (water, used and new, metal, plastic, etc...), is now a full new market..
    oh, by the way, I would buy any strong tutorial, from get started to complicayted, on the luxus render, too...

  • ringo monfortringo monfort Posts: 945
    edited December 1969

    All great suggestions and I should start working on the Luxus shaders.


  • SockrateaseSockratease Posts: 813
    edited December 1969

    I'm still waiting for a procedural shader for Holstein Cow Patterns!

    I'm sure the rest of the universe is too.

  • wetcircuitwetcircuit Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Jay_NOLA said:
    Some I'd like to see in no particular order.

    5.) Some shaders designed to be used with some of the Carrara plugins. A few shades exist that are designed to work with specific plugins but I'd like to have a lot more of them for the well established supported plugins.

    Maybe also included a sample scene to show best how to use a certain type of shader and some camera and light presets to help with using some.

    Which plugins would you be looking for specifically? Or which would you most like to see?
  • Miss BMiss B Posts: 3,071
    edited December 1969

    I'm all for any kind of shaders you create Ringo, but the terrain shaders would be on the top of my list. ~smile~

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