Need Genesis 8 HD for Iray photorealism?

Now that I have a computer to run Iray I need some characters to create my renders from.
Which characters are best for the maximum photorealistic effect, using Iray?
I saw that only some of the Genesis 8 figures have HD in their titles.
Do I need to use a Genesis 8 HD character to get the maximum photorealistic skin look?
Is this the best Forum to raise this topic?
Why don't you check the Galleries? Many artists include image info. It's also hard to judge what photorealistic means to various people. I have seen people gush over "photorealistic" images where I could immediately see several issues and give aways. I have even seen a photo that at first glance looks like a great render.
How do you feel about this one?
or this one?
Thanks Fastbike, those images are very good, but not as good as I was hoping for.
The attached female faces are the quality I would like, but I think they were done in a combination of more expensive software, with lots of tweaking.
The male face is extraordinary and from Daz3D, Edward 8, but they do not explain how they arrived at such realism, and this is what I would like.
All those images. IMO, were done through the use of a great deal of meticulous tweaking of lighting, material settings and render settings. I believe that it is fair to say that, although the results may vary, no product is going to give a result that is indistinguishable from a real photograph of a real person without some time and work on the part of the user. Perhaps if the vendors included complete scenes with all the necessary presets that might be possible, but that would limit the user to only rendering those scenes.
This looks like a really average V4 render to me, nothing special. The other two are down to lighting and good shaders. This is never something that you will get out of the box. Good news is HD isn't required.
Slightly more hyperreal than the other two but average? In my completely subjective opinion many artists here would love it if their average render was that good.
Really? I'm not seeing it. I'm impressed that the guy modeled that himself as I always am, but I don't see anything in that that you couldn't easily get out of G8 or G3 except the vellus hairs (and those are really difficult to see in that resized image anyway).
I am not commenting on the generation, just on the quality of the render, whether it is V4 or G3/8 is immaterial. I am saying that most artists given the same figure (or any other figure for that matter) would struggle to produce a render of that quality.
I completely missed this response somehow. There is a lot of good information in this thread: