Converting Old DS/Poser File Directory Setups to New Setups

I've got some very old (10 years max) Daz and Poser Content that were set up under the previous directory configurations (the old 'Runtime" configuration). is there any way to convert them to the more current directory configuration ("My Library")? If so, how?
No, Poser format files for the most part have to conform to the old Poser library structure to be seen by Poser and Studio.
What about the old Daz Studio version? Can their folder setup be converted?
You're making it more complicated than it is — there's nothing that needs converting, since DAZ|Studio can read Poser content files directly. All you have to do is open the Content Directory Manager dialog (click on the Options button in the Content Library pane) and add the folder that contains your old Runtime to both the existing DAZ Studio Formats and Poser Formats lists. Your old content will now appear in the top level of the Content Library pane.
Imagine having to replace all 10 years due to computer repairs. :P
Once you get DAZ Studio seeing your existing unconverted poser runtimes per steps above, make (and test) a backup of both your installed content and your DAZ Studio content library and associated runtime path mappings, as well as DAZ Studio itself (your current version will not be available for download indefinitely). With backups, damage/loss of your computer will not result in loss of your 10 years of content since you can just reinstall it.
If you can't get DAZ Studio to see your poser runtimes, let us know which step(s) you are having problems with.
Actually, it's basically some of the files getting corrupted and reporting "permission" access issues. It also happened to some of my Microsoft Office files. Hence the need for a reload. I can't access the ones that got corrupted. Definitely turning into a long process, but only for the 3rd party products. Been at it for a little over a week now. I'm sure the mappings are okay. It's just corruptions that I'm having to deal with, and I'd just as soon reload all 10 years (probably the only option I have). I just wish I could wave a magic wand and have all those files set up for the Install Manager, but there you are.