Decimator question
I been wanting to know something
I want to use Genesis in UDK (I already know I have to license if I want to publish a game, but you don't have to when your just making it)
Do I need to poly-down Genesis for a game? Or is it still to high-poly count for a game?
Genesis base is around 19,000 polys, which is a bit too much for most game engines. You could always ask on the Unity forums what they consider the limit to be?
Alright, then
Next question, can I poly-down in Hexagon?
There is a 'Decimate' function in Hex, but I think it triangulates the mesh, and sometimes makes a real mesh of it - sorry for the joke.
You could give it a try though, and see how well it works.
I think last night I saw a video where they did it in Blender. They guy said to stay away from the auto option and do it by hand with the loop tool. And just move lines over 1
decimator for DS works great, better than other options I have tried. I used it for other game related mesh i work on since it retains the UV setting really well and has become crucial for me with LOD making.
If you have $100 to waste...then sure
But I don't have the sort of money
And I doubt I could keep the texture if trying to import the Genesis model for UDK
Decimator only way I know to keep rigging and uv mapping,
yes it works great btw.
wishlist it,
I got it 50% off in a sale.
I use it on figures exported to use in iClone where it is very successfull.
The page says it doesn't go on sale
wendy♥catz is correct. It was on sale recently for 50% off.
I bought it well before the last sale, been on sale at least twice since and a few times before I finally plunged I got wishlist notifications.
I bought decimator a long time ago and recently upgraded DS to 4.6 but I can't seem to find the decimator tool in it. What menu is it located under? Can anyone please help me find it? I've used it in the past and it worked great.
Window -> Panes (tabs) -> Decimator
Awesome, thank you! :)