How do I export this model with the pistons rigging intact?

Hey guys, so I want to export this model: and animate it in Cinema 4d. Normally Daz3d characters export just fine to C4d using FBX, and all I have to do is set up an ik chain on the joints. This little guy is tough though, as all his pistons don't come into Cinema 4d rigged.

Does anyone know either how to export with the piston rigging intact, or how I can redo that rigging in Cinema 4d? Thank you so much!


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    Are they not rigged or simply not adjusting to align with each other? The usual way of rigging pistons is to have two bones, one aprented to each of the bones to which theya ttach, and then to set them to point at each other: I would not be surprised to find that FBX does not support Point At, and so loses the linkage, but you may be able to reisntate it in C4D.

  • dash_zeddash_zed Posts: 8

    That makes a lot of sense. This is what some of the pistons look like(attached picture). It seems like everything is rigged ok except for them, do you know what tags I might use? I tried a parent constraint and it kinda worked but seemed to be a little buggy, might not be the correct way to do it... sadly this is where my C4d knowledge hits a dead end :(

    1142 x 844 - 1M
  • dash_zeddash_zed Posts: 8

    I tried using a parent constraint, and a rotation constraint, and both make the piston kinda work, but it gets offset a bit, doesn't seem to be quite right. Does anyone kow if there's a better way?

  • dash_zeddash_zed Posts: 8

    Nvm I figured it out. Turns out if I attach an Aim constraint to each one pointing at the other and choose "maintain original" for rotation it works. Thanks for the help!

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