Steam Heart Question

Can the various components on Steam Heart be hidden? I'm interested in purchasing it but I want to hide the lights and the gear on the back. I may also want to hide the smokestack too.
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The big gear in back is a separate bone and can be hidden with the eyeball in the Scene tab
The smokestack and the big box on back are a separate material zone and can be turned off through the Surfaces tab.
Unfortunately the lights are part of the main body material zone and can't be hidden without hiding the entire heart.
That said, you may be able to do something by taking the SteamheartCop02Dis.jpg file, inverting it (so that the body of the heart would be visible but others could be hidden), erasing the part that controls the rivets, and seeing if you can add in the part that deals with the lights and their cages.
Given the nature of the steam heart, you might be able to deform the lights flat, then just put another object or primitive to cover that area as a patch, reusing some of the original material to make it blend. There will be a seam, but the object already has several seams, and it might work out well.