Genesis 8 Question: G3 clothing fits to G8...Poses G3 to G8

A couple questions (please point me to another post that answers these if they are somewhere easy to access):
1: Whenever I try and fit a G3 clothing item onto G8 figs the arms are always messed up. Am I missing something?
2: Whenever I put a G3 pose on a G8 fig...the arms are messed up. Am I missing something?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
For clothing take a look at SickleYield's tutorial on converting G3 clothing to G8
And for poses you will need
What version of DS are you using? G3 and G8 don't have the same base pose and Autofit included in old versions of DS doesn't take the pose into account.
Since the base pose is not the same the results won't be the same.
About the poses, check a topic i started a while ago:
G3F->G8F | G3M->G8M
Upon simple click the URL for SickleYield's DA page to the pose product. Had to copy and paste the URL instead of click the URL to get to the Tutorial. Not sure what happened. We'll blame DAZ. :)
Ah. For some reason I thought they were easily portable. Looks like I'll slow down on buying G8 stuff for a while.
Thank you for the input!