Has Anyone Else Had Items Disappear From The Parameters Tab?
I've had morphs quit showing up before in the Shaping tab; reinstalling the product has always fixed the problem. Today I went to the Parameters tab, and when I looked under Head for the Genesis Evolution Expressions, they weren't there. The only sliders were the two from Mr. Hyde and the one from Nata. Downloading and reinstalling didn't help.
Has anyone else run into this problem? And were you able to fix it?
I don't own the expressions package, but are those morphs (which should show up in the shaping tab) or poses?
ETA: If they are poses, you should also be able to find them in the Content Library under Products.
Sorry about the previous error on my part. I was trying to answer from memory instead of checking first.
Select the Head in the Scene and look in Parameters under Pose Controls > Head.
I was looking there, but I had had Genesis selected. I could have sworn I never had to specifically select the head before, just Genesis, but I could be wrong. At any rate, selecting the figure's head first worked. Thanks. (It's also possible I'm just not getting enough sleep; we've had a lot of forced overtime of late at work.)
They are morphs, but they do show up on the Parameters tab, under Pose Controls, rather than on the Shaping tab.