Daz Studio 4.10 Fatal error when trying to use Iray Preview

Hi all,
Whenever I try to preveiw a scene in the viewport using the Iray preveiw I get this fatal error:
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "D:\Program Files\3D\DAZ 3D\STUDIO 49\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\libs\iray\libneuray.dll" at 0033:000000009D88C0CE, mi_neuray_factory()+4039486 byte(s)
This behaviour only started just now. I have rendered and previewed with Daz Studio and Iray before without any issue.
I did not alter Daz Studio, nor my GPU drivers nor my Windows configuration since the time it worked smoothly.
Im on Windows 10 Pro 64 bit, using an Intel i7 6950X cpu and two Nvidia Titan X (pascal) GPU's (SLI is turned off).
What can be causing this, and how do I solve this?
Thanks a lot,
Kind regards,
Are you sure that Windows hasn't updated the drivers behind your back?
Thanks for the reply!
I checked the update history and the last update was on February 15th. I still rendered some pics out on February 18th and that worked just fine. How can I check the Nvidia drivers in particular?
And if that is the cause of this, how can I disable this kind of "covert" updates?
Thanks a lot,
Kind regards,
If you right-click on your desktop one of the options should be nVidia Control Panel, which will give the version number of the driver.
My driver version is 388.13 Is that an update? I can't find how to spot when that was last changed.(or how to roll it back and lock it if need be)
Thanks a lot,
Kind regards,
Can this error be scene specific? I loaded in another scene and that works fine again... Very weird.
If it's only certain scenes that does sound like a possible driver issue, however 388.13 is not up-to-date so it seem unlikely it was an auto-update (in fact it's the version I have installed, which hasn't caused me noticeable issues).