Question on .Daz files

I have an older file that I was working on a couple years back before the switch to .Duf files. The .Daz file will open. And I can save it as a .Duf. But the new .Duf file crashes everytime I tried to open it.
Question 1. Is it possible to still save files as .Daz files in more recent Daz software? .Duf is part of the problem
The second part of the problem I tracked down to a Dynamic Flared skirt. Interestingly. Though I purchased it from Daz and its in my purchase history. When I go to the catalog page. I find a "404 not found" The skirt appears to be whats causing the .Duf file to crash. And I need this to work.
Question 2. Anyone else have this problem, and did they find a solution? I posted this problem to technical support. But I have no idea if they'll have a solution. So I'm posting it here as well.
No, it is not possible to save .daz files any more I'm afraid.
Some pages have been throwing up 404 errors for some users at random for a few days - is this the product ? If you load it into a new scene and save will that load? If so you could try deleting the skirt from the old scene, saving, reloading the skirt, and saving that.
Yes thats the product. At the moment the 404 error is gone.
I've tried loading the skirt into a newly saved scene in a .duf file. But for some reason the skirt is unselectable and will not parent to V4 in a .duf file. I had a series of files using this skirt. All of the files I saved before realizing the problem crash daz when Itry to open them. If I take the skirt out of the scene. new saves are fine. So the dynamic skirt is causing the problem. Any ideas?
You could try loading the skirt into an empty scene, exportting as OBJ, loading that, and applying a dForce modifier to make it dynamic that way.
Thanks. I'll think about it.
Just in case anyone else was following this thread. I decided to try several ollder versions of Daz that I have on my computer. Finally lucked out. The file doesn't crash using Daz 4.7. So it appears to be a combination of the Dynamic skirt, and Daz 4.9 or later that crashes Daz.