Horse 2 and IDG Iray Essentials - Daz Horse 2 and Centaur 7

None of the mane or tails come in when using the IDG Lray Essentials for the horse. It keeps asking for missing files, I used whatever the Installer downloaded. And what it's looking for supposedly is in a Runtime folder... I couldn't find a Runtime folder for Daz. I'm familiar with it in Poser. But this said it worked with Daz 3D 4.10.

Another question, when I just use my Horse 2... he never comes in with no mane or tail.




  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492
    edited March 2018

    You need to load the mane and tail onto Horse 2 yourself - I think you find them under "Hair" in Smart Content with the Horse selected.

    Then I suspect you need to select the mane to add its Iray materials, then select the tail to do the same.

    Post edited by MelanieL on
  • Thanks MelanieL.... I've tried that and it still renders with no tail or mane. Plus I forgot to mentioned it keeps asking for the Horse 2 white. Everything else I've ever installed has worked fine using the installer but something seems to be out of wack. 



  • MelanieLMelanieL Posts: 7,492
    edited March 2018

    Just a thought: did you buy the DAZ Horse 2 (just the character), the Starter Bundle or the Pro Bundle? The basic horse comes with a llimited set of colours (bay, black and grulla according to the ReadMe) so white is not included. You would need the Starter Bundle to get the buttermilk, fleabitten grey, palomino, smoky grulla and white textures. (You need the Pro Bundle to get blue roan, buckskin, dapple grey, gypsy vanner, Hancock roan, leopard, mahogany bay or silver grey colours.) The IDG Iray presets product does not include the coat textures, it relies on you already having the texture maps for each colour installed (that's why it lists the Pro Bundle as a pre-requisite). I think this may be why you are getting the error message about "Horse 2 White".

    Incidentally, DAZ Studio does need a Runtime folder with the Textures sub-folder - that's where it stores its textures, just like Poser content. The only difference is that it is not displayed in Content Library because there is nothing in it that can be loaded into a scene. If you look through your operating system's browser you should see the Runtime folder - if it's really missing then something went wrong installing your content.

    I don't understand what is happening with your render. Could you maybe post a screenshot of the horse in your viewport (un-rendered) and the corresponding Iray render. Maybe I can spot what is going wrong.

    Post edited by MelanieL on
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