Daz3d Space on the hard Drive

 For a while I have been having this problem where my SSD's space is getting eaten up.  After rounding up the usual suspects and dealng with them I am left with Daz Studio.    My 3d hobby has taken quite a toll on my hard drives.  It appears that in my users folder that Daz is keeping a copy of everything that I have installed.  Is it okay to delete these?  I imagine its just a copy, right?   The folders I am talking about are in the Daz 3D/Install Manager/Downloads folder tree.


I use a SSD for windows to boot to, etc and have a secondary and much larger hd for my games and other programs. I have been considering moving my installation to my secondary drive, but would rather not until I have to.  


  • y3kmany3kman Posts: 802

    Yes, it's safe to delete those found in the Downloads folder. DIM also has a setting that autodeletes downloaded packages after installation. Avoid messing with the contents ManifestFiles folder since that tells DIM what you installed in your PC. I really recommend you make a backup first.

    Another thing you need to watch out is that DAZ "unpacks" the geometries and textures of the products you use in its temporary directory. I've seen products use more than 15GB of my SSD space while working.

  • DAZ Studio programs can indeed take up a ton of space. I myself have taken to buying external drives of 1 TB or more to store backups of everything DAZ and run the program from there; otherwise my 1 TB (unalterably partitioned into two 500 GB sections) internal drive would have run out of space years ago. I keep only the basic program itself on the c drive.

  • JD_MortalJD_Mortal Posts: 760

    Welcome to the world of 3D and space-hungry Daz...


    Move all content to a normal hard-drive, and/or use "folder compression", which will also give you about 50-75% more space from the MANY horribly done Daz files. (There are a LOT of 0-20 byte files, which ALL comsume 2048KB each, or whatever your block-size is for your hard-drive.) I am up to billions of files, just for Daz. 90% are junk "read-me" files and "links", and redundant "load me" files...


    Daz will not load any slower with content being on a HDD or in a compressed file. Daz reads things slow, no matter how fast the drive is. It also loads things slow, in IRAY, so nothing will be slower, or any faster with SSD's.

  • RbugRbug Posts: 166

    Well I am a very heavy content user. And I also make little things I need. I have in my system My main Drive which is a 500Gig SSD, Daz does not stay there, There is a strange problem with SSD's which makes them somewhat of a problem, if you load something on them, then remove something it plays havoc with the drive. The way I found this out was rather simple. And it had nothing to do with daz. When I was still a truck driver I had a permanent camera system attached to my truck. I hated the bulky disk drive that was in it so I replaced it with a SSD. Everything worked fine until I erased all the data from aforementioned drive when strange things happened the drive failed then did not. When I had the tech look at it he told me that it was the SSD that was the culprit.

    So with that understanding I decided not to put DAZ or for that matter any other software on my SSD. I use a high speed 3T replaceable drive system. for my daz studio and my 3ds max, which is also a hog. That is my E: drive for some reason it has to be E: or it (DAZ) that is messes up. My second replaceable drive is my F: Drive that is also a 3T it holds all my access files, this is where i keep my daz MyLibrary and other folders. Then I have my download drive this holds all my downloads from various vendors and sites. This is also a 3T drive  this drive is in a portable box using ESata system, better speed and accuracy. I had to get new cards to run all the extra drives. I have attached to my system a total of 6 external drives. My bigest drive is my backup drive it is a box with 4 3T drives in it. this is so i can backup everything, then just for good measure I back that up with a second backup drive. This took me a while to get all the drives I have. and some have been replaced as they need be.

    JD is primarely correct in his statement that daz does take its time loading stuff, but I found, now this is a personal observation, is that DAZ is really not that adept at uncompressing the files it needs when loading or rendering, I took one of my high speed drives and compressed it in the normal manner, and when i loaded it into daz it was slower than when I used my drive uncompressed.

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