REAL WAVE making simulator! Wanted for the NEXT Carrara software

When will this feature come out in the next Carrara software? I don't have cinema 4D. I've been wanting to use something like this for the longest time! Any future plans to make a REAL wave making simulator like this anytime soon?


  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    I don't think I've ever heard anyone at DAZ, or any plugin developers, even hint at a feature like this, so my guess is, well, don't hold your breath.

    However, and I didn't do much investigation into that plugin you referenced, I think that you could probably find some other methods to get what you need and not have to wait any longer..... :)

    If you need something for only a still image, then you can make a wave model fairly quick and easy. Below is something I did very quick in Hex, and all you need is a flat plane with fairly high density mesh, and just do some soft selections and pull and poke and prod some polygons to look like a wave. Then only real "trick" to it is making your soft selection radii smaller and smaller as you build the peak of the wave.

    Another option is to use the free Blender fluid simulator and simulate a bunch of water splashing against a hard surface to build up a wave, then export one of the OBJ's and you'll have a real awesome wave with spray and everything.

    Now if you need an animated wave, you could probably use both methods above. The 'do it by hand' modelling method could also be used to generate morph targets of a breaking wave that can be used in an animation.

    And the fluid sim IS an animation, so you can just render that simulation in Blender and composite the result into your Carrara animation.

    1920 x 1007 - 168K
  • edited December 1969

    I wanted to use it for animation and I don't want to have to take the extra time to create a real looking wave with all the ripples and all involved in it. I'll try using some of the methods you mentioned though.

  • tsaristtsarist Posts: 1,618
    edited December 1969

    I have this, but I haven't touched tried it in Carrara.

    Maybe this would help.

  • edited December 1969

    Those are more like tides, not waves. I've seen those before.

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
    edited December 1969

    Pycloid is a FREE Carrara plugin that supports fluid simulation and other simulations, not sure how it compares to Blenders fluid sim, but at least there is no need to export sequenced obj files and to buy another just for the import:


    Forum news post with more info:

  • ManStanManStan Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    If it doesn't aid in the use of DAZ figures in carrara, we wont see it.

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited June 2013

    Magaremoto has some animatable waves at:
    They are really morphs targets. I don't know if they can be useful to you.

    1593 x 985 - 145K
    Post edited by argus1000 on
  • edited December 1969

    3drendero said:
    Pycloid is a FREE Carrara plugin that supports fluid simulation and other simulations, not sure how it compares to Blenders fluid sim, but at least there is no need to export sequenced obj files and to buy another just for the import:


    Forum news post with more info:

    It looks more like shards of glass, sand and pebbles than liquid. Nothing like the effect I'm looking for that comes close to what C4D offers on their plugin. Thanks though.

  • edited December 1969

    argus1000 said:
    Magaremoto has some animatable waves at:
    They are really morphs targets. I don't know if they can be useful to you.

    I tried making my own animate-able waves before using morph targets, but it just didn't turn out the way I wanted it.

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited December 1969

    maybe Argus refers to this simulation:

    actually I must point out two major themes in addition to the likely formation of waves the simulator in c4 does not provides, AFAIK: the way the wave breaks on the shore and, above all, the animation of the foamy shader. however, this is the test I made in c7 few years ago, without shaders. By creating morph and acting on the limits of the modifiers you can get to something like the simulator of waves does. Obviously a carrara plug-in would be greatly appreciated

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited June 2013


    That's what I refer to.

    Wow! Those waves really look real, with the sound and everything (except the woman should be moving, because one of those waves is gonna submerge her)). Holey baloney, with the right modifier, Carrara really does know how to do everything.

    Post edited by argus1000 on
  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited December 1969

    argus1000 said:

    That's what I refer to.

    Wow! Those waves really look real, with the sound and everything (except the woman should be moving, because one of those waves is gonna submerge her)). Holey baloney, with the right modifier, Carrara really does know how to do everything.

    well, modifiers and morphs in carrara are understimated imo. now that I'm thinking about, the whole carrara too :)

  • evilproducerevilproducer Posts: 9,050
    edited December 1969

    argus1000 said:

    That's what I refer to.

    Wow! Those waves really look real, with the sound and everything (except the woman should be moving, because one of those waves is gonna submerge her)). Holey baloney, with the right modifier, Carrara really does know how to do everything.

    well, modifiers and morphs in carrara are understimated imo. now that I'm thinking about, the whole carrara too :)

    Really nice effect! I'm going to have to look closely at that scene file!

  • edited December 1969

    maybe Argus refers to this simulation:

    actually I must point out two major themes in addition to the likely formation of waves the simulator in c4 does not provides, AFAIK: the way the wave breaks on the shore and, above all, the animation of the foamy shader. however, this is the test I made in c7 few years ago, without shaders. By creating morph and acting on the limits of the modifiers you can get to something like the simulator of waves does. Obviously a carrara plug-in would be greatly appreciated

    Although the youtube video looked good from a distant stand point, those are still more like ripples than waves. I'm looking for an actual WAVE that you can have characters surfing in, get tubed and all.

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited December 1969

    allright, waiting for a real wave simulator, you can start with a wave modifier, apply an animated morph and/or a magnet and see what you can get playing around with limits and magnet to model the surf. Another way is modeling the wave like joemamma has showed you and import it in carrara to be animated with bullet physics. a third way is make a terrain with a height map to simulate sand dunes, export it in obj or 3ds for example, re-import in carrara and apply a punch modifier or something like that; and so on.The limit in carrara is your imagination and your desire to create. thrills in carrara are assured

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited December 1969

    argus1000 said:

    That's what I refer to.

    Wow! Those waves really look real, with the sound and everything (except the woman should be moving, because one of those waves is gonna submerge her)). Holey baloney, with the right modifier, Carrara really does know how to do everything.

    well, modifiers and morphs in carrara are understimated imo. now that I'm thinking about, the whole carrara too :)

    Really nice effect! I'm going to have to look closely at that scene file!

    actually nothing special, EP. the true challenge is a realistic animated foam, impossible for any 3d software without a wise use of particles

  • 0oseven0oseven Posts: 626
    edited December 1969

    Maybe you need "Houdini " - if you have the bucks.

    Megaremoto's Terraine suggestion is good - Try adding a couple of Wave Modifiers - cane give a sloppy Ocean like appearance.

    I have been trying to get a decent ocean foar ages - bought the Orca Ocean plugin for Carrara but not a big improvement on what Carrarasalready has and dont think it's able to create the breaking waves you are after.

    Who knows what Carrara 9 will bring ???

  • argus1000argus1000 Posts: 701
    edited December 1969

    0oseven said:
    Maybe you need "Houd

    I'm sure, in the right hands (like Magaramoto's), Carrara can handle a monster wave like that.

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    Although the youtube video looked good from a distant stand point, those are still more like ripples than waves. I'm looking for an actual WAVE that you can have characters surfing in, get tubed and all.

    Well then I guess the answer to your original question is "there ain't no plugin for Carrara that will do it, and there probably never will be".

    Now if you really want to get this effect, and are willing to put in a little effort to achieve the result you want, I can guarantee you can do it. You CAN make a nice looking and realistic "tube-able" wave manually with not much effort, and generate morph targets to have it, form, build, and break. Again, I'd suggest getting a video of a breaking wave and use that as a guide to manually model the morph targets. It might sound difficult, but it really isn't anything to be afraid of or hesitant about.

    And, once again, you CAN generate this effect in a free fluid sim like Blender's and it will surpass just about anything you can find out there for realism and believability. Again, it might take some effort to learn Blender, but it really isn't all that difficult.

    And who knows, maybe you can then sell it and make some money... :)

  • JoeMamma2000JoeMamma2000 Posts: 2,615
    edited December 1969

    actually nothing special, EP. the true challenge is a realistic animated foam, impossible for any 3d software without a wise use of particles

    Well, actually you probably intended to include fluid simulators (like the free one in Blender). Actually particle systems aren't really designed to generate foam per se, because they tend to clump things into, well, particles, rather than dynamically simulate fluids and bubbles and stuff.

    I think I showed a still image showing some decent foam in the recent waterfall thread, though the intent wasn't to get foam. However, it is extremely easy to do.

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited December 1969

    actually nothing special, EP. the true challenge is a realistic animated foam, impossible for any 3d software without a wise use of particles

    Well, actually you probably intended to include fluid simulators (like the free one in Blender). Actually particle systems aren't really designed to generate foam per se, because they tend to clump things into, well, particles, rather than dynamically simulate fluids and bubbles and stuff.

    I think I showed a still image showing some decent foam in the recent waterfall thread, though the intent wasn't to get foam. However, it is extremely easy to do.

    You have hit the problem joemamma: actually foam is not quite fluid but has sprays, splashes and various random particles, as in the case of a surf wave breaking on a rock, for example. For this task Houdini or krakatoa use particles simulators and not simple fluid ones, even if I suppose they are based on similar algorithms. I guess even Naiad uses a particle sim for the foam but not sure about that

    @ Argus: thank you, I am a mere carrara enthusiast

  • 3drendero3drendero Posts: 2,027
    edited December 1969

    Well, if you want the best fluid sim out there, RealFlow has a demo version for 30 days:

    Middle link above shows it.

    Carrara can import the sequenced obj files with:

  • magaremotomagaremoto Posts: 1,234
    edited December 1969

    3drendero said:
    Well, if you want the best fluid sim out there, RealFlow has a demo version for 30 days:

    Middle link above shows it.

    Carrara can import the sequenced obj files with:

    well, sprays and many splashes in the sample video have been made with krakatoa in realflow if I'm not mistaken

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