What would cause the Symmetry command to stop working on a G2F figure body parts?

I have a G2F base figure custom spun with various morphs.
I posed the right shoulder, forearm, hand and fingers how I wanted them, and then attempted to use the symmetry command to copy those poses to the left shoulder, forearm, hand and all bones of the hand. I've done this a hundred times before, but for some reason on this figure it will only copy the pose for the forearm and nothing else.
I've tried the same thing on other figures in the scene and it works fine. I've saved, closed and reopened the scene. And it still doesn't work.
I made sure all bones were unlocked, I can't figure out what is causing the problem. There are no error messages. I even tried transfering one bone at a time, but that doesn't work either. Seems to be some weird bug in this figure where only the forearm will transfer across.
It sounds like the rotations are reversed on the one side. Are the numbers the same on both, including positive/negative? Do they change at all?
Did you use the Pose Controls on the figure, rather than the individual bone settings, for some of the posing? If so you need to use Bake to Transforms, from the same menu, before Symmetry.
Everything was the same to start.The figure wa in a standard T-pose. I then posed it using the sliders and stayed within limits on the right side, and the left side was still in the default position when I tried to do the symmetry. In any case, I just gave up and posed it manually on both sides.
Hmm, just for the hands, I used the "grasp" pose control. Pretty much the only time I use pose controls is for hands and facial expressions so that explains the hand issue at least. But doesn't explain the shoulder since like the forearm I only used the bone settings. Anyway, good to know about "bake to transformations". I knew about it for use with aniblocks and the timeline but wasn't aware of using it for symmetry. So then if I understand correctly, anytime you use bake to tranformations, it will zero out your pose sliders and convert them to bone settings? Does this have any effect on any other sliders, or just the ones found under the pose tab? It won't do anything to the settings under Actor, correct?
I'm not sure how it indentifies the things to bake, my expectation would be it looks for properties of the type Modifier/Pose that drive other properties that are Modifier/Pose (while the stuff under Actor would usually be Modifier/Shape).
OK, I did some experimenting with "bake to transforms" and this is pretty dangerous actually. It often did unexpected things, permanently changing the figure shape and/or face. And no way to easily correct it. You can't just restore figure pose afterwards to undo it. Just an FYI in case someone else sees this thread.