SOLVED Rotation only using the keyboard

Hi there.
I'm trying to setup my workspace so that I could work remotely and I had quite a hard time to get rid of the lag and some other stuff. The only problem left is that I if I connect remotely when I click the cube in the right corner it goes like crazy, so I was wondering if there are some buttons or a way for me to create some shortcuts to rotate the camera/perspective look using only the keyboard like I use the W,A,S,D to move around and Q,E to go up or down. Is there any way for me to create some buttons like U,I for the x-axis J,K for the y-axis and N,M for the z-axis?
Or even better using the arrows...
If someone was wondering on how to do the remote without lag, stop trying with team viewer or other programs, and just to the Windows Remote Desktop way. It doesn't try to send the whole screen, but minimal datas.
Actually don't mind me... the problem was somewhere else... I already had this buttons setup ...
Hello hapciupalit,
May I know how did you fix the shortcut for getting the normal rotate control in Teamviewer?
I am facing the same problem as well.