Child Figure Using Parent Figure Skeleton Joints ?


I have the feeling this has been already discussed somewhere but I've been unable to find an answer to this issue so far.

It can be phrased differently:

1) How can do a "Fit to.." without the last step (doing deformation) ?
2) How to use the Tranfer Utility so both figures use the same skeleton (Without enabling the Fit to.. option that deform the geometry at the end of the process..) ?
3) Convert Prop to Figure with "Inherit Skeleton of Parent" enabled, but with actualy using the parent skeleton, not duplicate it, and keep the new figure in the hierarchy.

In short, I have one Figure, one Prop. I just want to transfert the rigging of the Figure to the Prop (this, I can get it working) but then having the new created Figure using the same skeleton as the first figure. Like when you do a Fit to.. Except when you do a Fit to.. the final geometry is deformed to conform to the Figure. I don't want that.

Not sure if I'm making myself clear : )

Take the Convert Prop to Figure for instance. If I check "Inherit Skeleton of Parent", then a Figure is created, moved outside of the Hierarchy, and only the root bone is duplicated. Not very useful. I was expecting that the Prop would be converted to a Figure and kept in the hierarchy, that is child of the Figure, then that the new figure actually use the joints of the Parent figure, not of a duplicated skeleton. This way I could simply transfer the weights to the new figure and that's it.

Take the Fit to.. option, this works wonderfully, the new figure is child of the original parent figure and use the actual joints of the parent figure, perfect! Except that at the end everything is ruined because the tool is trying to conform the mesh to the original Figure (which is its purpose I know but..).

Perhaps another way to put it: Granted you have two Figures using the exact same skeleton hierarchy, how to parent one Figure to the other one so the child Figure now uses the parent skeleton joints instead of its own ? Like a switch skeleton or something.

Anyway, I hope you get the idea.

Thanks for any help.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    What behaviour do you want at the end? Your description really isn't clear. Forget skeletons and props and hierarchies - how do you want the model to behave as your figure is posed?

  • > Figure 1
      > Hip
      > Figure 2
        > Hip

    Perhaps it will be clearer this way. Figure 1 and Figure 2 use the exact same skeleton hierarchy. When I apply a motion to Figure 1, Figure 2 won't move, because Figure 2 use its own joints instead of using the Figure 1 joints.
    If I use Fit To.. then it works, but the Figure 2 is deformed to match Figure 1 surface, which I don't want.

    What I want is that Figure 1 and Figure 2 are driven by the same skeleton, so if I apply a motion to Figure 1 then Figure 2 will move too (transfering weights from Figure 1 to Figure 2 is not the issue, the issue is that I can't find a way for Figure 2 to be driven by Figure 1 joints, except by using Fit too.. which unfortunately deform Figure 2 to match Figure 1, something I don't want).

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    Are you wanting to block the transfer of morphs while allowing poses to come across?

    You can do that several ways - for example enable Show Hidden Properties in the Parameters pane option menu will allow you to see and zero the projected morphs, or you can right-click and put the Parameters pane in Edit mode and - before fitting the item - right-click>Create New Property and give it the name of a morph on the base figure that you wish to block (get the names by clicking the gear icon on the slider and selecting Parameter Settings - the label that shows on the slider won't work). If there aren't going to be any items fitted which you do want to get the morphs you can also click the gear icon on the slider, Parameter Settings, and uncheck AutoFollow.

  • \o/ I was desesperatly searching for the created morph by Fit to under the Shape/Pose Tabs, while it was hidden under the Parameters Tab...

    Thanks a zillion times Richard !

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