EDIT: Help Needed Fixing Broken Figure Joints - What Must I Do?

WandererWanderer Posts: 957

I downloaded a free figure, and I know you get what you pay for and I'm immensely grateful for this work someone made, BUT I was hoping to actually use this figure in the new user posing challenge for the month here at Daz. It works okay if you don't need to pose the right leg much, but I'd like the option. Anyway, if someone could tell me how to fix this, I'd greatly appreciate it.

When I select the right thigh and try to pose it, it does this: 

The lower leg moves just as you'd expect, but the upper leg stays pretty much fixed. In the wireframe view, the upper leg is where it appears to be, while the lower leg moves to where it appears it should if attached to the upper leg and the upper leg moved. If I raise the leg to a more extreme position, it does this:

As you can see, there is a deformity in the hip region where the upper leg should be, but the wireframe shows the upper leg is where it appears to be in the viewport. 

What causes this, if anyone knows, can a noob like me fix this, and how?


1429 x 721 - 167K
1371 x 769 - 184K
Post edited by Wanderer on


  • murgatroyd314murgatroyd314 Posts: 1,551

    It looks like a rigging issue where they forgot to select the mesh to be influenced by the upper leg bone. Fixing it may be possible, but it's beyond my skills.

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    Thank you so much for responding. At least that's a clue about maybe what to do or where to look.

  • If this was Poser, I'd say you just need to adjust the rigging and joint rotations. I haven't tried to rig a figure in Daz Studio yet, so I can't say how similar the process is or isn't. But I will say ULTRAMAN! :)

    Can't waith for the live-action CGI. Supposed to hit this year IIRC. Gonna be f-n sweet!

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    Lol.. cool. Okay. Well, that gives me more info to go on. Thank you!

  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957
    edited March 2018

    Okay, so playing around with the joint editor tool, I discovered this:


    Right Thigh



    Left Thigh


    What I need to do next is probably obvious to someone. I'm trying to get up to speed on this, but I've never done anything with this side of things before (the mysterious dark work of 3D art). If anyone has anything to add or a suggestion about what needs to happen next, I'd love to know.


    517 x 772 - 98K
    532 x 786 - 109K
    Post edited by Wanderer on
  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957
    edited March 2018

    Okay. I have no idea how I did it, but I noticed when I loaded the character into the scene, the legs were not in zero position, and the right leg was starting out of alignment. After fixing the pose on a newly loaded version of this figure, I went into the joint editor tool and BEHOLD! The spheres had appeared around the right thigh, but in default settings, so, using the left thigh as a guide, I went in and set the static and dynamic matrices settings to similar numbers. And now it seems to be fixed, just not sure, since the original figure is partly messed up how to save this, what to save as. Any suggestions? All this is new to me. Should I save as modified asset? Or is there some other preferred way of doing this?

    Post edited by Wanderer on
  • WandererWanderer Posts: 957

    Welp, I can't redistribute another's work, but at least this thread is here and might help someone who comes after me and wants to fix this figure. Good luck.

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