I think Microsoft updates have screwed it all up

I think Microsoft updates have screwed it all up
not just Carrara btw but I am having major issues in the 8.5 beta in particular
the hair room is a nightmare but many of my other projects now not opening and displaying in preview
if I can resave them they work
but getting the save screens to display is a challenge in itself
the whole UI is screwed C8.1 seems unaffected
I have had issues with other software too so a roll back imminent
Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
Windy, which OS are you using, 7 or 8?
I had a W7 update yesterday, but everything is working fine for me.
OH! I thought it was me. I lost my V4 Morphs ++ in both C-8 and Beta.
Also am not getting very good displays from IE 1`0 which installed itself. Java content takes ages to load.My Adobe Creative Suite's Acrobat Pro is acting up as well...constantly having to repair it when creating pdfs from web pages. Hmmmm....maybe will unload and go back to IE9.
Also... I don't see any emoticons in posts here anymore... anyone else just getting the blank box?
Windows 7 64-bit
:) SileneUK
with mine the issues I have with hair sims stuffing the user interface which has always existed in C8 have gotten 10x worse and now occurring in other scenes
the preview window not rendering
menus and file save obscured by windows etc
I just rolled back to IE-9 and another forum I belong to works much better now. Will look at Carrara and Adobe a bit later. I thought I had my updates set to manual....hmmmm. Well they are NOW! Thanks for the heads up, Wendy. LOVE your animations on your site !
Cheers, SIleneUK
I don't use IE at all. I have had the same preview rendering problem in C8.1
It was solved when I performed a spot render and canceled it with Esc. After that one occurrence, I haven't seen it again.
I am running Win 7 64 bit
HI Wendy :)
Try the temp folder, clean-out. see if that helps anything.
I'm on Win7 and have had a bunch of updates recently , but everything is still working for me.
Hi Selene :)
The emoticons (wee faces) have been and gone a few times since the Daz website rebuilding work is still in progress.
as far as IE, i don't use it
try Firefox,. it's free and better,. (IMO)
uploaded a video now
I have found a work around for my saved scenes
I added my scenes to browser and drag them into an open scene's instances tab not just opening them from file or double clicking
new scenes with simulated hair still an issue
I don't use either IE or Firefox. I used to use Firefox, but... too many ads now. Not only regular ads, but new frames-within-a-frame of new ads that you can't get rid of and that occlude your view. Now I use Chrome. Just the minimal amount of ads, no more.
Chrome here too, that is working ok btw though it did crash loading an image to this forum today
That'll build your confidence in a company - can't even get emoticons to work in a browser. heh
Now I get a nil pointer error trying to load all the plants I created
I can however open them all in C8.1
I've had issues with autofit in DS 4.5 and carried over to 4.6 that I suspect was caused by the Win7 (x64) update that came out just prior to the release of DS 4.6. I uninstalled 4.5 via windoze uninstaller, and installed 4.6 hoping that would fix the issue but no. I CAN autofit, but the second drop down menu for clothing type is greyed out. Anyone else have this issue?
8.1 working here fine - windows 7
well not only did system restore fail to fix it
(and yes Headwax 8.1 works fine, only the beta affected)
now a couple of my other essential programs screwed up!
namely iClone5 & 3DXchange 5 pipeline
and I cannot uninstall them to fix, Windows throws up an error running the uninstallers
I need to do it that way online due to DRM or I lose an installation life on each as they phone home.
that is if I can even remove them cleanly,
this happened on my laptop with iC4 a couple of years ago after a system restore too and getting a geeky friend to go into the registry at great risk to remove them only fix.
There's a reason I don't install every free program I see. ;-P
iClone &3DX5; pipeline hardly free!
(quite costly actually)
it is working but I cannot uninstall it and need to for reasons I cannot disclose.
They were the two programs Windows told me would be affected by my restore point and indeed they were
(I had unistalled and replaced them for reasons I cannot disclose)
this did not cause my Carrara issues, that was already happening immediately after Windows updates!!
my using system restore has just made things worse
Did you try undoing the System Restore?
can you undo system restores?
yes, I see you can, will try
iClone 6 coming - can't you run them on same machine ?
I cannot say anything but yes system undo eventually fixed the iClone issues
not my Carrara ones
had a glitch where windows did not get recognized as genuine by Microsoft but fixed that too.