DAZ Control Issues

I have a lenovo idea-PC laptop.  Six gig RAM and 2.5 gHz processor on Windows 10.

I am having trouble with the controls for the program.  They were working fine, but are no longer.  I have about a two to six second drag before I can get the control to respond.  I did a complete unistall, wiped and reinstall in which it worked fine, but It's having issues again

I have tried contacting DAZ about this problem, but none of their suggestions work. 

I was told to update CUDA, update OpenGL, update drivers, and none of these worked until the clean wipe.  I think after the clean wipe my computer started using the integrated video card, but I also think that the latest windows update may have changed this and caused the problem.

Can anyone please help? 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    Have you checked that DS is using the real GPU? And have you tried adjusting the Display Optimisation setting to Best in Edit>Preferences>Interface?

  • How can I check to DS is using the GPU?

  • I believe that I found it's using the GPU, but I'm still not able to get the program to run smoothly.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    Did you check the option in preferences? I'm not sure it would be relevant to your issue, but it's at least worth trying (and should help with viewport responsiveness in general).

  • I didn't see how to check it in preferences.  In any event I'm still having the lag.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    Edit>Preferences will open the dialogue (or Daz Studio>Preferences for a Mac), then go to the Interface tab, and adjust the Display Optimisation setting.

  • Yeah I've already got it sitting on Best.  Are you saying to take it down to lowest?  I've tried all three settings and I end up with the same result that everything is slow to respond.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,877

    OK, I thought it was unlikely to help but it needed checking.

  • Ok.  I've just gone ahead an did a clean unistal and reinstal.  Now it's fuctioning normally.  I don't know what's going on, but this is nuts.  I don't want to have to do a clean uninstal and reinstal everytime there's an update.

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